Sunday, December 06, 2020


Turkish export train to China returns to Istanbul station hours after departure - union

Dec 05 2020

Turkey’s first China-bound export train, which departed from an Istanbul station on Friday, has returned to another station in the city, hours after its departure, the United Trade Union of Transport Employees said on Saturday.

The train which took off from Istanbul’s Kazlicesme train station in a ceremony with the participation of Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Adil Karaismailoğlu, has returned to the Halkalı station after its banners were removed at the station located in Maltepe district, the union said.

The Transportation Ministry on Friday said the train would carry 42 containers of household appliances across the Trans Caspian East-West Middle Corridor via Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, before arriving in China in 12 days.

Moreover, the China-bound train resulted in wide scale railway transportation disruptions, with nine trains being cancelled, shorted routes in 10 trains and delays in nine others, the union said.

The union also called on the Transportation of Ministry to take action against State Railways of the Republic of Turkey (TCDD) officials involved in the incident, for causing disruption in railway travels, putting citizens lives at risk during the pandemic and damaging the reputation of the railways.

Basına ve Kamuoyuna; Çin’e Giderken Kaybolan ilk İhracat Treni…
Toplamda 42 konteyner içinde beyaz eşya taşıyan ilk ihracat trenini 04.12.2020 tarihinde saat 14.00 da Kazlıçeşme istasyonundan Çin’in Xi’an şehrine Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Adil Karais

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