Thursday, January 21, 2021

Biden pick for DHS chief says he would not abolish ICE and CBP
Tue, January 19, 2021, 11:55 AM

Alejandro Mayorkas, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to head the Department of Homeland Security, said during his Senate confirmation hearing that he would execute Biden’s plan to stop building the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Mayorkas also said that CBP and ICE play “critical roles” in the federal government and that he wouldn’t abolish them.

Video Transcript

SENATOR RICK SCOTT: Thank you, [INAUDIBLE]. So with regard to the wall itself, would you tear down parts of the wall? Would you stop the construction that's going on? How would you deal with the existing plans with regard to the wall?

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS: Senator Scott, President-elect Biden has committed to stop construction of the border wall. It would be my responsibility to execute that on that commitment. And I have not looked at the question of what we do with respect to the wall that already has been built, and I look forward to studying that question, understanding the costs and benefits of doing so, being open and transparent with you and with all members of this committee, sharing my thoughts and considerations, and working cooperatively with you towards a solution.

SENATOR RICK SCOTT: Thank you, Mr. Mayorkas. We talked about this the other day. Could you repeat your position with regard to funding Border Patrol and ICE, and what do you think we should continue to fund them, or we should abolish them?

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS: Senator, US customs and Border Protection, US Customs And Immigration Enforcement play critical roles in the federal government, and I would not abolish them.

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