Friday, January 22, 2021

Democrat offices and first-ever Starbucks store damaged in anti-Biden protests
Thu, January 21, 2021,

Protesters damage the Democratic Party office building in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday(Mike Benner / KGW News)

The Oregon office of the Democratic Party and the original branch of Starbucks in Seattle were among several buildings damaged by protesters after Joe Biden was sworn-in as president on Wednesday.

Police arrested around eight people in Portland, Oregon, and at least three in Seattle, while hundreds more were said to have taken to the streets to protest in both cities.

Doors and windows were smashed at the Democratic Party’s offices in downtown Portland, NBC News reported, where a small dumpster was set alight, and “f*** Biden was sprayed on walls, alongside a message that read "Breonna Taylor deserves justice".

At least 150 protesters marched on to Portland's Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, where they called for the agency to be abolished.

According to police, the Portland protesters were carrying weapons such as “Molotov cocktails, knives, batons, chemical spray and a crowbar”.

“We don't want Biden, we want revenge!,” read a banner that was seen by The Oregonian, and appeared to sport an antifascist symbol and another based on the “three arrow” designs used by Social Democrats against the Nazis in the Weimar era.

The same banner also denounced “police murders, imperialist wars and fascist massacres", while another banner read "We are ungovernable”.

In Seattle, around 100 protesters were seen carrying a banner that read “F*** Trump, F*** Biden too, they don’t give a F*** about you.”

According to police, they caused damage at the William Kenzo Nakamura Courthouse, an Amazon Go store, and a Starbucks store on Pike Place which opened as the world’s first ever branch in 1971. Glass was left strewn across the store.

One protester told the Seattle Times that Mr Biden’s appeal to Americans for “unity” was “disgusting” because the Democrat wanted “unity with people who actively want to harm people,” in apparent reference to police and the political right.

Wednesday’s protests came several months after Seattle and Portland saw large demonstrations against systemic racism and police brutality last summer.

They took place after the Minneapolis police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, and the Kentucky police killing of an unarmed black woman, Breonna Taylor.

Portland police arrest 15 alleged Antifa rioters after Democrat HQ attacked 

Daniel Capurro
Fri, January 22, 2021
Eight mugshots - Portland Police

Police in Portland, Oregon have arrested fifteen suspects after a mob of around 200 alleged Antifa members smashed up the Democrat headquarters and federal immigration offices in the city on Wedensday, while three people were arrested after a crowd in Seattle attacked buildings and burnt a US flag.

The two Pacific Northwest cities have been hotspots for protests and violence since the Black Lives Matter demonstrations began last year in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

There were also protests in Denver, Colorado; Columbus, Ohio and Sacramento in California.

Portland Police released photographs of eight of the 15 arrested suspects as well as images of confiscated items including knives, batons and bullet-proof vests.

A group of protesters dressed in black use umbrellas to shield themselves 
- Assfault Pirates via AP

"Some of the crowd had pepperball guns, electronic control weapons, large fireworks, shields and rocks," said Portland police spokesman Kevin Allen.

Federal police, who were initially deployed to the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, were reported to have used tear gas, stun grenades and other non-lethal munitions to disperse the crowd.

The Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement building that the rioters attacked had been a target during previous bouts of violence last year. Demonstrators have demanded that ICE, which enforces immigration law, be abolished.

Police did not comment on the political nature of the crowd, but the violence came on a day when several far-left demonstrations were planned to put pressure on the new Biden administration to swiftly introduce immigration, racial justice and policing reforms.

Gas-masked police using a large device to pump clouds of tear gas -
 Lindsey Wasson/Reuters

According to the Daily Mail, seven of the 15 suspects detained in Portland had been arrested at previous Antifa protests, while The New York Times reported that one flier handed out at the Seattle demonstration attacked Biden over "his stupid" crime bill passed in 1994, which was blamed for leading to mass incarcerations.

The Portland group was also reported to be carrying a banner reading: “We don’t want Biden – we want revenge!” and to have chanted “F---Biden”

The Democratic Party of Oregon said in a statement to AFP that it was "frustrated and disappointed" by the damage to its offices – which were empty – but would not be deterred "from our important work."

Portland police arrest 8 after rioters damage Democratic Party office, ICE facility following Biden's inauguration

Thu, January 21, 2021, 

At least eight people were arrested in Portland on Wednesday after rioters damaged both federal and private property, police said.

Dozens of protesters took to the streets of Oregon's largest city following the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Some people were seen carrying Black Lives Matter signs, while others held banners with anti-Biden or anti-police slogans.

Although the demonstrations were largely peaceful, two protest events resulted in property damage and arrests, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
PHOTO: A group of protesters damaged the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon in Portland on Jan. 20, 2021. (Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP)

A crowd of about 150 people gathered at Revolution Hall, a music venue in southeast Portland, and marched to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon on Wednesday afternoon. Some individuals vandalized the building with graffiti and smashed windows, while others moved dumpsters into the middle of the street and lit the contents on fire, police said.

MORE: Biden promises unity and redemption amid divisions and challenges

Eight people, ranging in age from 18 to 38, were arrested in connection with the event. The charges range from felony criminal mischief to possession of a destructive device. Various weapons were also seized, including Molotov cocktails, knives, batons, chemical spray and a crow bar, according to police.
PHOTO: Police detain a person during a protest in Portland, Oregon, on Jan. 20, 2021, after the inauguration of President Joe Biden. (Lindsey Wasson/Reuters)

Later that evening, a group of about 150 people marched to the Portland field office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Some individuals in the crowd were seen carrying pepper ball guns, electronic control weapons similar to Tasers, large fireworks, shields and rocks. Many were also wearing helmets and gas masks, police said.

PHOTO: A demonstrator throws KICKS a tear gas canister back at law enforcement officers during a rally outside the field office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Portland Oregon, on Jan. 20, 2021, after the inauguration of President Joe Biden. (Lindsey Wasson/Reuters)Mo

Within minutes of arriving at the ICE facility, some people began throwing rocks and eggs at the building while others applied graffiti. Federal law enforcement officers responded by launching "crowd control munitions," while Portland police officers "were standing by to address crimes in the surrounding neighborhood," according to police.
PHOTO: Protesters disperse during a rally outside the field office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Portland, Oregon, on Jan. 20, 2021, after the inauguration of President Joe Biden. (Lindsey Wasson/Reuters)

"Details about what munitions were used, and any arrests made, will have to come from federal law enforcement," Sgt. Kevin Allen of the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement early Thursday. "Portland Police did not deploy any CS gas."

ABC News has reached out to the ICE Office of Public Affairs for comment.

"As always, we appreciate those who made your voices heard without resorting to criminal activity," Allen added. "We respect the rights of free speech and assembly."

Oregon Democratic Party offices vandalized amid post-inauguration protests

Caroline Radnofsky and Janhvi Bhojwani and Kimberly Flores Gaynor
Thu, January 21, 2021, 

Police arrested eight people on Wednesday after the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland, Oregon, was vandalized hours after President Joe Biden's inauguration.

The building's doors and windows were smashed, a small dumpster was lit on fire, and graffiti reading "Breonna Taylor deserves justice" and "F--- Biden" was sprayed on the outside walls, according to videos filmed at the scene mid-afternoon by reporters for NBC Portland affiliate KGW.

Portland police said some of the group of about 150 people carried weapons "including Molotov cocktails, knives, batons, chemical spray and a crowbar."

Some members of the crowd met in southeast Portland before heading to the Democratic Party offices dressed in black and carrying banners reading, "We don't want Biden, we want revenge! For police murders, imperialist wars and fascist massacres," and "We are ungovernable," according to a photo published by The Oregonian.

Charges against the eight arrested included felony criminal mischief, possession of a destructive device, and riot, police Sgt. Kevin Allen said in a video statement on Twitter.

At least 150 people later marched on Portland's Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, calling for the agency to be abolished.

A crowd clashed with federal officers outside the building, throwing rocks and eggs and vandalizing the building, Portland police added.

Federal officers declared an unlawful assembly and used munitions and tear gas to disperse demonstrators, according to KGW's Devon Haskins, who was on the scene.

Scattered protests also took place in downtown Seattle, Washington, where multiple locations, including a Starbucks storefront and the William Kenzo Nakamura Courthouse, were also vandalized, the Seattle Police Department reported.

Crowds marched toward the city's Pike Place chanting, "Antifa!" and "No cops, no prisons, total abolition!"

Two people were arrested on charges of property damage and assault respectively, Seattle police said.

Small Inauguration Day protests in Portland, Seattle lead to about a dozen arrests

N'dea Yancey-Bragg, USA TODAY
Thu, January 21, 2021
A group of protesters shield themselves from chemical irritants as they demonstrate Wednesday evening, Jan. 20, 2021, outside the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building in Portland, Ore.

About a dozen people were arrested during small Inauguration Day protests in the Pacific Northwest intended to pressure President Joe Biden into action on immigration and police reform.

Police in Portland said in a statement they arrested eight Wednesday afternoon on charges of felony criminal mischief, riot and possession of a destructive device after some in a group of 150 people smashed windows and vandalized the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon.

The FBI previously warned of possible armed protests around the inauguration in state capitals by supporters of former President Donald Trump, but these demonstrators were described by local media as "antifascist" and "anarchists."

Demonstrators carried banners that read, "We don't want Biden — we want revenge!'' in response to “police murders” and “imperialist wars," and "We are ungovernable."

The Democratic Party of Oregon said in a statement that none of its staff were in the building and that this is not the first time the building has been targeted.

“We’re frustrated and disappointed about the damage done to our Democratic Party of Oregon Headquarters in Portland this afternoon," the statement said. “None of this should take away from the fact that today is a joyous and momentous day for America as we celebrate the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris."

Hours later, a similar sized group gathered at the Federal Immigrations and Customs Enforcement building, some of whom were carrying pepper ball guns, devices like Tasers and fireworks, according to authorities. Portland police said federal law enforcement used crowd control munitions and made arrests.

Video taken by a New York Times reporter at the scene shows the crowd chanting an anti-Joe Biden slogan and later being hit with tear gas. The crowd also decried the United States’ detention and caging of migrant children and chanted, “Abolish ICE," the Oregonian/Oregon Live reported.

Portland saw more than 100 days of demonstrations against racial injustice over the summer, some of which drew thousands and resulted in clashes with police.

Police in Seattle said three people were arrested for property damage, burglary and an assault after a group of about 100 people marched and windows were broken at a federal courthouse.

That crowd also called for the abolition of ICE and several people set fire to an American flag outside the federal immigration court, The Seattle Times reported. One protester told the New York Times that Biden needs to know there will be continued pressure for progress on immigration and police reform.

“I came out here because no matter what happens, Biden and Kamala aren’t enough,” Alejandro Quezada Brom, 28, told the Times.

For weeks over the summer, demonstrators in Seattle occupied an area first called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ, then the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, or CHOP. Mayor Jenny Durkan ordered police to clear the zone after an outbreak of violence.

Some of Biden's first executive orders as president were related to immigration. Biden halted construction of the border wall and revoked Trump's 2017 executive order which broadened the categories of undocumented immigrants subject for removal, restarted the Secure Communities program and supported the federal 287(g) deportation program.

Contributing: The Associated Press; Joey Garrison and Courtney Subramanian, USA TODAY

Follow N'dea Yancey-Bragg on Twitter: @NdeaYanceyBragg

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Inauguration Day protests in Portland, Seattle; about a dozen arrested

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