Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Florida Is Cracking Down On Canadians Flying There To Get COVID-19 Vaccines

© Mariia Boiko | Dreamstime, Marc Bruxelle | Dreamstime

When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines in Florida, local officials are cracking down.

This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis confirmed that people from outside the state will no longer be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine there, including Canadians.

“We’re not doing vaccine tourism."
Ron DeSantis

“To just kind of come in from another country or whatever, we don’t support that and we’re not going to allow that… we’re not doing vaccine tourism,” he explained on Tuesday.

Anybody who owns property in Florida and lives there at least part-time will still qualify.

However, travellers and vacationers will no longer have access to the state’s supply of COVID-19 vaccines as of Tuesday, January 19.

Those wanting to get the vaccine in Florida will now be asked to provide evidence that they live there permanently or semi-permanently.

Before this, anybody aged 65 and over was eligible, leading some Canadians to cross the border to get vaccinated early.

According to CTV News, some Canadians even took private planes to the U.S. to get vaccinated.

The Canadian federal government continues to urge against all non-essential travel outside of the country, with Justin Trudeau even advising those with upcoming vacations to cancel them.

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