Wednesday, January 06, 2021


Mitt Romney Heckled As A ‘Traitor’ At The Airport And Inflight To DC

On Tuesday Senator Mitt Romney was flying from Salt Lake City to Washington DC on Delta – along with a plane loaded with passengers heading to the nation’s Capitol to support Donald Trump in advance of Congressional counting of electoral votes which will formalize Joe Biden as the next President.

Romney – who has said he did not vote for Trump’s re-election – has opposed efforts by some colleagues to attempt to dispute the results of the Presidential election.

In the Salt Lake City airport, a maskless woman came up to him. Before she could accost him he told her to put on her mask noting it’s a legal requirement. She said “Don’t tell me what to do” but then she did it anyway, and then asked why he isn’t supporting Trump. He said he does support the President “in things I agree with.” He wouldn’t go along with her request to support Trump’s challenge to “fraudulent votes.”

Romney responded,

We have a Constitution and the constitutional process is clear and I will follow the Constitution, and then I will explain all that when we meet in Congress.

Onboard a female passenger told a group of Trump supporters to tell Romney “what we think” and the group responded, calling him “Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!” along with “Resign Mitt!”

Another man nearby told him “Your legacy is nothing” while the original woman shouted “You’re a joke, absolute joke.” Another demanded “We want to know your connection to Burisma,” the Ukrainian company on whose board Joe Biden’s son sat.

A Delta flight attendant made an announcement for passengers to sit down and clear the aisle.

Mitt Romney frequently stands on principle, it’s just that those principles keep changing. He was pro-choice as Governor of Massachusetts, then he ran for President. He instituted Romeny-care, very similar to Obamacare, but then campaigned on repealing Obamacare. He condemned Donald Trump during the primaries in advance of the 2016 Presidential election, but then sat down with Trump as a Secretary of State posting was dangled in front of him. Running for Senate he offered ‘targeted praise’ of the President before turning into a critic, with six years until any re-election. In other words he’s a politician.

And Joe Biden was probably elected because in swing states people were reading for a return to a normal politician.

Mitt Romney Heckled As A 'Traitor' At The Airport And Inflight To DC - View from the Wing

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