Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Senator Dennis Patterson Peeved About ‘No Action’ On Nunavut’s Bad Internet

Unlike most jurisdictions in Canada, there is no option for unlimited internet.

Emma Tranter Canadian Press

Loading Concept laptop screen with typing hands on the keyboard.

IQALUIT, Nunavut — In Nunavut, it’s not unusual for the internet to cut out, slow down or stop working altogether.

Unlike most jurisdictions in Canada, there is no option for unlimited internet. Instead, residents are faced with high prices and heavy fees for higher monthly data caps.

Amy Matychuk, who lives in Iqaluit, says each month she and her fiancĂ© wait for the notice from their internet service provider telling them they’ve reached their data limit.

Matychuk says the couple spends about $250 a month on internet. Her fiancé is completing his masters, which requires him to be on Zoom nearly eight hours a day.

“He’s at the maximum data he can have on his phone, so once we run out of internet at home he can hot-spot to his phone,” she said.

Nunavut’s internet problems aren’t new, but the territory’s senator, Dennis Patterson, says the pandemic has made a bad situation even worse.

“Internet continues to be of crucial importance to remote communities in Nunavut. The situation has sadly not changed,” Patterson said in an interview. 

Only province or territory without fibre internet

A report commissioned by Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the land-claim body that represents Inuit in the territory, says the fastest possible internet speed in Nunavut is eight times slower than the national average.

The report states Nunavut is the only jurisdiction in Canada without residential access to internet speeds over 25 megabits per second. The highest possible speed in Nunavut is 15 megabits per second.

Some 86 per cent of Canadian households have access to unlimited data packages and 94 per cent have access to broadband speeds of at least 25 megabits, the report says. It would cost a single Nunavut household at least $7,000 annually to reach the average level of data usage in Canadian households.

Nunavut is also the only Canadian province or territory without access to fibre internet. There are three proposals that could bring it to Nunavut through lines connected to other provinces, but those are still a few years away from completion.

Patterson says one reason internet hasn’t improved in the territory is a lack of competition for service providers. Northwestel, which is owned by Bell, serves all of Nunavut’s 25 communities. Qiniq, its main competitor, also offers internet and mobile phone service but runs off a different network because it doesn’t have access to Northwestel’s.

“It’s like an airport being owned by one airline and other airlines needed to either build their own airport or pay premium rates to access that airport,” Patterson said.

We need immediate relief during the height of the pandemic when all these services in health and education and working at home are so critical. Senator Dennis Patterson

Another reason internet hasn’t improved in the territory is because previously announced federal funding has not been distributed, he added.

“There’s been no action. It’s deeply disturbing to me.”

Last summer, projects in Yukon and the Northwest Territories received $72 million from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to improve broadband internet service.

Nunavut did not receive any money. In a news release at the time, the CRTC said Nunavut projects were deferred to a second round of funding.

“We need immediate relief during the height of the pandemic when all these services in health and education and working at home are so critical,” Patterson said.

The CRTC said in an email that it “is continuing to evaluate the applications submitted to the second call for applications.”

“Further funding announcements will be made as additional projects are approved.”

The CRTC said it could not disclose how many Nunavut projects had applied for funding.

Andrew Anderson, communications director with Northwestel, said the company’s proposal to the CRTC seeks to bring internet speeds up to 50 megabits per second with an option for unlimited internet. Right now, the company’s highest internet package for home users is 150 gigabytes a month and costs $129.

“We’re hopeful that our proposal brings good value to Nunavut and will help meet that standard, but we’re waiting to hear back on that,” Anderson said.

For his part, Patterson will continue to push the federal government to make immediate investments for faster, more affordable internet as the pandemic rages on.

“People still need to work and do schooling remotely. It’s no secret that Nunavut has been subject to internet blackouts.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 24, 2021

Northern internet company secures new satellite
 to fix shortage

© David Gunn/CBC Dean Proctor is the chief development officer of SSi Micro.

Nunavut's main internet service provider has secured more satellite capacity to fix a shortage that forced them to stop taking on new customers. 

SSi has joined a multi-year agreement with a European satellite network SES to increase their internet capacity. 

SSi Canada runs the internet service Qiniq— which is the main provider for Nunavut communities outside Iqaluit. 

"They [SES] have actually liberated a satellite, a whole satellite that was already in space, and pointed it north," said Dean Proctor, SSi's chief development officer. 

Proctor says the satellite covers all of Canada and will allow SSi to continue to provide the same quality service to existing customers while being able to take on new customers. 

In the fall, Qiniq had to stop taking on new customers because they didn't have the bandwidth to take on more users without the quality of the existing service going down. 

"We have been running out of [internet] capacity in Nunavut because there are only so many satellites that deliver service there," said Proctor. "It has been a real issue." 

The deal with SES is the solution to that problem. 

"This is providing much more than we had, but there is much more to be done," said Proctor. 

However, Proctor says satellite is still a much more costly service than other internet options like fibre optic, DSL, or cable — options that don't currently exist in Nunavut because of a lack of infrastructure. 

"We're still not at a point where we can deliver the same capacity for the same price as you would find in southern Canada," said Proctor. 

Proctor says this deal is another step in closing the digital divide in the North and improving connectivity. 

"This is an essential step," said Proctor. "It's one that comes in the time of COVID where more than ever we need this."

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