Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Action required! Stop Site C; save 1000s of acres of prime farmland!

Hi everyone,

In solidarity with BC farmers and Northern communities, NFU members across the country recently voted to pass a resolution to stop the Site C dam.

Pushing forward on Site C risks costly geotechnical catastrophe, dramatically violates indigenous Treaty 8 rights, and will flood 9,000+ acres of precious arable BC farmland. 

This week, the BC cabinet is meeting to re-evaluate the project’s viability. Our NFU Women’s President and Peace Region farmer, Bess Legault, has written to BC Agriculture Minister Hon. Lana Popham asking her to stand with farmers nationwide in opposing Site C.

Now is the time to add your voice. 

The provincial government can still course correct away from Site C in favour of a thriving and climate-compatible agricultural future in the Peace Region. 

Please take a moment to participate in the NFU’s campaign in partnership with Dogwood BC to send a message asking Premier Horgan, Minister Ralston and Minister Popham to #StopSiteC. 

Power has alternatives, agriculture does not.  

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Stop Site C, save thousands of acres of prime farmland

The rich soil of B.C.’s Peace River valley could grow enough fruit and vegetables for one million people. But if Premier Horgan builds the Site C dam, all that land will be flooded forever.

B.C. imports more than half the food we eat. That food is getting more expensive because of climate change and disruptions caused by COVID-19. Our province urgently needs to protect what little farmland we have left.

We know the construction of the Site C dam will jack up our electricity bills. Building it would flood Indigenous burial grounds and hunting areas, violating Treaty 8. Filling the reservoir will also destroy more than 9,000 acres of prime farmland, permanently undermining our ability to guarantee fresh fruits and vegetables for Northern British Columbians.

It’s not too late to turn back. Farmers across the country have passed a formal resolution with the National Farmers Union to put a stop to Site C. Thanks to plummeting costs in wind and solar, we can generate more energy for less money than it would cost to finish the dam. And we can grow nutritious produce for a million people every year, rescuing the government’s failing plan to feed Northern Canada at a time when food security is more important than ever.

This action is a collaboration between Dogwood and the National Farmers Union.


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