Thursday, January 07, 2021

United States: President Trump Must Leave Office Immediately

Through his actions, President Donald J. Trump has violated his oath of office and betrayed the public trust.

The shameful events of January 6 have shaken American democracy to its core. Incited by the incumbent president of the United States, a mob temporarily took over the US Capitol and tried to prevent the Congress from exercising its constitutional duty to confirm the choice of the American people for their next president. Thankfully, the effort failed. Indeed, the episode underscored the essential resilience of our democracy. At a time of great peril, the congressional and judicial branches have rallied to protect our constitutional system and the rule of law—features that have distinguished the United States during its nearly 250-year history.

There will be time enough for thoughtful reflection about the path forward to restore the health of our democracy, reduce the polarization that has prevented effective action to address the needs of the American people, and recommit to the aspiration of making the United States a beacon of freedom and equality for the world. But at least one thing is already clear: The president, through his actions, has violated his oath of office and betrayed the public trust. More than that, his ongoing presence and unwillingness or inability to faithfully exercise his constitutional duties pose a direct threat to the peaceful transfer of power and the well-being of the Republic. Whether through resignation, impeachment and conviction, or invocation of the 25th amendment, President Trump must leave office immediately.

Michael Abramowitz, President of Freedom House
Michael Chertoff, Chairman, Freedom House Board of Trustees

United States: Freedom House Condemns Political Violence in Washington

The violent disruption of a congressional session is unlawful. These are among the most shameful images in our nation’s history.

In response to reports that supporters of President Trump have broken into the Capitol and forced Congress to suspend its validation of the results of the presidential election, Freedom House issued the following statement:

“We strongly condemn the violence that has occurred in Washington today, which has no place in a democratic system,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “It is an affront to the millions of Americans who peacefully cast ballots, as well as the poll workers who counted them in good faith and the public officials and judges who defended the results against groundless allegations of fraud. In the weeks since election day, innumerable citizens have exercised their right to assemble lawfully and expressed their views without resorting to physical force.”

“President Trump has continually called on his political allies to reject and overturn his election defeat in defiance of the law,” Abramowitz added. “Just moments before today’s violence began, the president specifically exhorted his assembled supporters to march on the Capitol and encourage Republican lawmakers to disrupt the vote-counting process. The right to peaceful protest is protected by law. Violence is not.”

“It now falls to members of Congress to unanimously denounce this effort to undermine our democracy, to complete their legal and constitutional duty by counting the Electoral College votes, and to decisively end this deeply shameful episode in our nation’s history.”

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