Monday, February 01, 2021

Military coup in Myanmar, army declares 
one year-long state of emergency

The military arrested top statesmen, claiming the last general election in 2020 was rigged. State-run media ceased to work, and telecommunications in the capital and some other regions are down

Source : 112 Ukraine 1 February 2021

Military coup in Myanmar

A military coup took place in Myanmar on early Monday, February 1. The troops arrested President U Wyn Myint, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other top-rank statesmen. Press secretary of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), Dr. Myo Nyunt said so in a commentary for Xinhua. The official added that he himself would be detained soon, either.

As the arrests were conducted, the military TV of Myanmar announced the state of emergency in this country, which is supposed to last one year. The MRTV, the state-run television and radio ceased to work. Telecommunications in the capital and some other regions are down.

According to Reuters, the said events occurred several days after escalation of tensions between the civilian government and the military. The latter claim that the general election in 2020 were rigged.

Related: Ukraine’s government approves military cooperation with Myanmar

The latesy general election in Myanmar took place in November 2020. The ruling NLD seized the majority of seats on both chambers of the Parliament, which allowed them to shape the government. Other parties and the military claimed that the election was unfair. The army representatives promised to "take action". Rumors about possible military coup spread across the society.

Myanmar: What You Need to Know
By VOA News
February 01, 2021 
Vehicles are driven past the Sule Pagoda, Feb. 1, 2021 in Yangon, Myanmar.

Myanmar’s military said Monday it was taking control of the country for one year after declaring a state of emergency.

Why did this happen?

The military claimed there was voting fraud in November elections in which de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party won a large majority in parliament. Myanmar’s election commission has rejected the fraud allegation.

Why now?

The military’s move came hours before the new parliament was due to sit for the first time.

What happened to NLD leaders?

A party spokesman said Aung San Suu Kyi was detained early Monday, along with other officials, including President Win Myint.

How has the international community responded?

Statements of condemnation for the military’s actions have come from U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the U.S. State Department and White House, and from several other countries including Australia, India and Singapore.


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