Sunday, February 14, 2021

NYT reveals that Roger Stone's Oath Keeper bodyguards were part of Capitol riot


Ray Hartmann  RAW STORY

February 14, 2021

(Screenshot via

The New York Times is reporting that "At least six people who had provided security for Roger Stone entered the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 attack."

In some epic journalism, the paper "combed through hundreds of videos and photos and drew on research from an online monitoring group called the Capitol Terrorists Exposers to track the security team that surrounded Mr. Stone on Jan. 5 and 6."

Here's what it found:

"Videos show the group guarding Mr. Stone, a longtime friend of former President Donald J. Trump, on the day of the attack or the day before. All six of them are associated with the Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government militia that is known to provide security for right-wing personalities and protesters at public events.

"Mr. Stone, a convicted felon who was pardoned by Mr. Trump, has a long history as a self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" political operative who has lived by the edicts of attack, admit nothing, deny everything, and counterattack. He posted a message online denying involvement in "the lawless acts at the Capitol."

In videos from the day before the attack, Stone's Oath Keeper pals are seen providing him security at two Washington events to rally Trump supporters. In an evening speech, Stone told the crowd, "We will win this fight or America will step off into a thousand years of darkness."

The New York Times is reporting that "At least six people who had provided security for Roger Stone entered the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 attack."

You can read more here. BEHIND NYT PAYWALL

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