Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Fantasy creature from The Neverending Story 'spotted' in Taiwan's rocky terrain

MARCH 08, 2021

Many claimed the boulder bore a striking resemblance to the lucky dragon "Falkor" from "The Neverending Story."
Facebook/愛天樂 and Contantin Film

TAIPEI — Foreigners living in Taiwan are often attracted to the island’s rich ecology, and they sometimes find scenes that remind them of home.

An expat recently shared a picture of a rock bearing a striking resemblance to a dog’s head, which evoked childhood memories and struck a chord with other social media users.More from AsiaOneRead the condensed version of this story, and other top stories with NewsLite.

According to CNA, the photo was originally captured by social media user “Ai Tien Le” at the “Ruifeng Bridge” in Ruifeng Village, Meishan Township, Chiayi County.

They had gone to take pictures of the rocks in the stream and accidentally came upon a large one, which they then posted on Facebook.

It received numerous positive comments, and the dog-shaped rock was also praised as very cute.

Ai Tien Le explained that they had travelled to the area on Jan. 29, and parked their car at the top of the river.

After further inspection, they realised that the big boulder in the middle of the river closely resembled that of a sleeping dog sipping the river’s water.

The photo also attracted the attention of foreign social media users who claimed that the “dog” actually looked like the lucky dragon “Flalkor” in the 1984 German fantasy film “The Neverending Story.”

In the movie, Falkor had the body of a dragon complete with scales, with a benevolent dog’s head. It also played a huge part in the film, helping the young boy complete his adventures, becoming a beloved character of many.

PHOTO: Contantin Film

The Falkor-like boulder received widespread attention online with one commenting that they are happy to know its final resting place.

With the boulder’s new identity, fans of the movies will surely trek to the area to see for themselves the legendary character of their childhoo

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