Sunday, April 11, 2021

Anti-mask advocate added to no-fly list in Canada
Jane Stevenson 

© Provided by Toronto Sun Chris Sky (Saccoccia), 37, from King City, is shown at a speaking engagement.  ANTI MASK PROTEST IS NOT JUST ANOTHER SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT

A no-fly list designation is the latest wrinkle to befall high-profile anti-mask advocate Chris Sky, of King City, Ont.

Sky, who’s real surname is Saccoccia, said Sunday that while recently attempting to get on a Flair Airlines flight at Toronto Pearson Airport — en route to speaking events in Calgary and Edmonton — he was barred from checking in.

Sky said he was told his name was on a no-fly list, adding no one provided him any explanation as to why.

He documented the entire incident on video and posted it on his Instagram account.

“I was not happy about it,” said Sky on Sunday. “Obviously, the government doesn’t like it when I go speak places so they try to stop me any way they can.”

Zarah Malik, a spokesperson for Public Safety Canada, said on Sunday he couldn’t specifically comment on Sky’s case.

However, generally, Malik said: “There are many reasons unrelated to Canada’s Secure Air Travel Act (SATA) List that could cause delays or prevent someone from boarding a flight. For example, airlines and other countries may have their own security lists and rules to screen travellers. The SATA list contains the names of individuals who may pose a threat to aviation security or who may travel by air to commit a terrorist act.”
Malik added anyone “will receive confirmation in writing from Public Safety Canada at the time of the denial of boarding that explains their right to apply for recourse.”

Sky, who said he had yet to hear the reason, had other plans.

“I’m going to use every resource I have to get that friggin’ illegal, disgusting, communist-style, lawless, dictatorship, piece of crap, no-fly list taken off my good name and I’m going to hold the federal government accountable,” he said.

In the meantime, not flying has led to another transportation option for him.

“I’m driving across Canada as we speak!” said Sky. “I just left Manitoba, and I’m on my way to Saskatchewan, and then I’m going to go all the way to Vancouver, and I’m going to come all the way back! They ain’t going to stop me from speaking!”

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