Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Lockdowns put in place to counter 
COVID-19 could pose a risk of radicalizing Canadians
 towards violence, as security experts warn there is a growing risk of terrorism from incelswhite supremacists and anti-authority extremists.


© Provided by Global News Demonstrators scuffle with Italian Policemen during a protest by Restaurant and shop owners outside the Lower Chamber in Rome, Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Demonstrators demanded to reopen their business and protested against restrictive measures of the Italian Government to cope with the surge of COVID-19 cases. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians identified the growing threats from violent misogyny and violent hate groups as among the leading threats facing the country today.

The finding came in a new report that also warned the very same measures currently in place to keep Canadians safe from the ferocious spread of the virus could lead some to radicalize online.

"This is becoming a real, real problem," said David McGuinty, chair of the committee behind the unanimous report as well as the Liberal MP for Ottawa South.

Read more: Terrorists using coronavirus pandemic to stoke extremism, UN official warns

McGuinty said the committee couldn't yet determine whether pandemic isolation and anger will lead to a rise in support for the kind of violent misogyny espoused by incels. But he said the committee did hear in classified briefings over the last year that the potential for radicalization during the pandemic is real — and that the terrorism threats facing the country have changed significantly over the last two years.

In particular, the report cited what is known as "ideologically motivated violent extremism" — a broad term that includes xenophobic violence, anti-authority violence, gender-driven violence, and "other grievance-driven and ideologically motivated violence."

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While there were roughly 100 such groups operating in Canada in 2015, now there are more than 300.

Primarily located in southwestern Ontario, southern Quebec and southern Alberta, the groups often overlap with varying degrees of hatred of women, minorities and government. Many of them include what are often known as neo-Nazi groups as well.

Read more: The rise of white supremacy and its new face in the 21st century

And while the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for such groups in terms of financing, they rely mainly on social media for radicalizing and recruiting new followers — and that, the pandemic may be providing, the report suggests.

"The RCMP assesses that the restrictions, including Iockdown measures, put in place during the pandemic could result in people looking for advice or information over the Internet and accessing extremist echo chambers," the report said.

"This risk is magnified by the challenges of social isolation and financial hardship during restrictions. These same restrictions also make it difficult for others to identify individuals who may be on a path to radicalization."

Video: Hundreds defy curfew in Montreal in destructive protest of COVID-19 measures

The restrictions imposed by governments around the world in a desperate bid to slow the spread of the virus have caused widespread economic blows to people and businesses, as well as significant mental health suffering as the pandemic stretches into its second year.

Those factors, coupled with frustration at measures like physical distancing and the wearing of masks, have led some to jeopardize both their own health and the health of others by ignoring public health rules.

Read more: Coronavirus pandemic may cause decline in democracy, rise in extremist groups: report

And as anti-lockdown protests spread around the world, the concern is that those frustrated by the measures in place at home will turn to the internet, and be drawn to ideologies designed to lure them in to violent extremism.

"CSIS has uncovered extensive ideologically motivated violent extremism activities in the past two years (notably right-wing extremist groups), as demonstrated through online activity and physical attacks," the report noted.

"The sizable increase in this activity throughout 2020 suggests the terrorist threat landscape is shifting."

It went on to note that "low-sophistication attacks on unsecured public spaces" remain the main physical threat to the country.

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Low sophistication typically refers to attacks that need little to no technical skill or coordination in order to cause casualties: things like van attacks or violent rampages with readily available weapons such as knives.

It is distinct from the highly sophisticated nature of organized attacks like building and planting explosive devices, cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, or multi-pronged simultaneous attacks.

McGuinty said the question now is how will national security officials respond.

"We're hoping that the government will become seized with it. This is a an evolving, risky area," he said.

"This is exactly why we wanted to put it in the report, so that the government of Canada and Canadians would say, 'Hey, we need to look at this now objectively and figure out how we're going to how are we going to wrestle it to the ground?'"

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Lockdown fatigue is giving way to protests and defiance across the country

Tyler Dawson

With protests breaking out in different parts of the country, and some businesses flatly refusing to follow COVID-19 health orders, lockdown fatigue is giving way to lockdown rage more than a year into the pandemic.

© Provided by National Post Police struggle with protesters trying to tear down a fence outside GraceLife Church near Edmonton on Sunday, April 11, 2021. The church has been fenced off for repeated violations of COVID-19 rules.

On Sunday, hundreds of people weathered the ice and the chill to protest the closure of the Edmonton-area GraceLife church that has been ignoring public health rules for months. On the other side of the country, windows were smashed and garbage torched in Old Montreal as protesters rejected the province’s latest curfew rules, calling for “freedom for the young.”

As the country battles the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, with variants spreading rapidly and the vaccine roll-out slow to catch up, governments have once again stepped up public health restrictions. In Alberta, that meant shuttering indoor dining, and capacity restrictions on indoor gatherings and retail. In Quebec, it has meant a return to an 8 p.m. curfew. In Ontario, already under stay-at-home orders, students won’t return to in-person learning next week after a delayed school break.

“We often hear it’s a race against the variants, but I think it’s also a race against complacency and rage,” said Tim Caulfield, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, at the University of Alberta. “I believe that Canada can, ultimately Canada will come together, and we’re going to win this race, but you can certainly see the tensions rising.”

Clearly, people are tired of the pandemic and the restrictions, even if they are still following the rules. Recent polling on the pandemic from the Angus Reid Institute shows that 29 per cent of Canadians are “having a pretty tough time with things” at this point, while 54 per cent are “experiencing some difficulty but nothing major.”

© Giuseppe Valiante/The Canadian Press People take part in an anti-curfew protest in Montreal on Sunday April 11, 2021.

The evidence is everywhere, in casual conversations with friends and family, and at businesses defying public health orders, such as the Whistle Stop Café, in Mirror, Alta., which has refused to close despite visits from police and health officials, or the hair salon in Barrie, Ont., which also defied orders to close despite threats of fines.

Even in the corridors of power. Last week, 17 United Conservative Party members of the Alberta legislature spoke out against the most recent round of provincial restrictions in a very public airing of internal dissent among the 63 UCP MLAs.

On Monday, Maxime Bernier, leader of the fringe People’s Party of Canada, addressed a crowd at the Alberta legislature in Edmonton, where someone held a Western Independence Party flag, and protesters chanted “lock her up!” in reference to Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s chief medical officer of health.

Bernier has been touring British Columbia and Alberta, calling for an end to lockdowns. He said the protest is a “ideological revolution,” and railed against business closures, mask laws, curfews, and as-yet non-existent vaccine passports.

“I’m saying ‘no’ to ‘show me your papers,'” said Bernier. “I’m saying ‘yes to our freedoms, to who we are as Canadians.'”

© Giuseppe Valiante/The Canadian Press Hundreds of people gather to take part in an anti-curfew protest in Montreal on Sunday April 11, 2021.

As the rally came to a close, there was a loud chant of “freedom!” in the square in front of the legislature building.

In Montreal, meanwhile, police said seven people were arrested and 107 tickets related to public health violations were given out Sunday evening to protesters.

Nationally, the RCMP said they’ve issued 129 fines related to the federal Quarantine Act since March 2020.


Multiple other cities and towns across the country, including Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, have seen protest rallies and marches, with COVID restrictions blending together with a number of public grievances. GraceLife, the church outside of Edmonton, has become a lighting rod for the far-right, both in Canada and the United States. The story has caught the attention of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Sunday’s protest drew some notorious right-wing figures from within Canada.

“The church example has emerged as a focal point for those who are frustrated with the lockdown, and not just in Canada,” said Caulfield. “Unfortunately, that kind of rhetorical strategy works.”

The question now is, how much longer politicians can hold the line? Caulfield pointed out that even though protesters are making plenty of noise, the vast majority of Canadians continue to follow public health rules.

“Most Canadians have been amazing. Most Canadians do understand how important these public health measures are,” said Caulfield. “Often, understandably, the news focuses on the other side of the equation, those who are frustrated and are acting out.”

“Just asking people over and over again to follow the restrictions isn’t enough,” said Caulfield. “And shaming people into following restrictions, also, not enough … we need to engage people, we need to listen to them.”

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