Thursday, April 15, 2021


MP says Earth is ‘overpopulated’ and calls for rich people to be ‘abolished’

 Jordan King Wednesday 14 Apr 2021 METRO UK

\Claudia Webbe said the ‘rich should be abolished’ despite being in the top 1% herself (Pictures: Getty, Twitter/ClaudiaWebbe, PA SHE IS NOT, SHE EARNS $100,000

A Labour MP has said the world should ‘abolish the rich’ to tackle overpopulation and climate change.

  The Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change recently published a new report revealing that the UK’s richest 1% produce double the combined carbon emissions of the world’s poorest 50%.  

The study concluded that people, particularly society’s richest, need to change their lifestyles. 

 Claudia Webbe, who currently represents Leicester East and previously served as a cabinet member for energy, environment and transport, responded to the report on Twitter. 

She tweeted: ‘Earth is overpopulated; there are too many rich people. To solve the climate crisis; the rich must be abolished.’ 

 In a series of tweets she referenced some statistics from the 73-page document, including that the richest 10% of the world produces 52% of all consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions.  Meanwhile, the poorest 50% are responsible for just 7% of all consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions. 

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