Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Passion of the Christ’s Jesus Christ Thinks Celebrities Are Harvesting Children’s Adrenaline
Jim Caviezel is a card-carrying member of QAnon

Jim Caviezel in The Passion of the Christ

Alex Young
April 17, 2021

Who had Jesus from The Passion of the Christ becoming a card-carrying member of QAnon, subscribing to the batshit crazy conspiracy theory that celebrities are torturing and harvesting children for their adrenaline, on their 2021 Bingo card?

As TheWrap points out, actor Jim Caviezel, who portrayed the titular character in Mel Gibson’s 2004 biblical blockbuster, appeared alongside other QAnon luminaries like Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and My Pillow’s Mike Lindell at a COVID-19 “health and freedom” conference in Oklahoma on Friday night. When it was his turn to speak, Caviezel addressed “the adrenochroming of children.”

“Essentially, you have adrenaline in your body,” Caviezel began. “And when you are scared, you produce adrenaline. If you’re an athlete, you get in the fourth quarter, you have adrenaline that comes out of you. If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline.”
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“It’s the worst horror I’ve ever seen,” Caviezel went on to claim, before hilariously admitting in the very next sentence that he had in fact never witnessed such a horror in person. “The screaming alone, even if I never, ever, ever saw it, it’s beyond — and these people that do it, umm, there will be no mercy for them.”

Caviezel also claimed that Tim Ballard, founder of the “anti-trafficking” organization Operation Underground Railroad, was unable to attend Friday’s conference because “he’s down there saving children as we speak.” Caviezel portrays Ballard in an obscure new film called Sound of Freedom, which Caviezel said “is on a level of Academy Award level.”

And here we thought Mel Gibson was the most problematic person in The Passion of the Christ cinematic universe.

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