Saturday, May 22, 2021

 Health Canada is holding a public consultation on its proposed new approach to regulating gene-edited food and crops. 

Urgent Action
Send your message to Health Canada today!

Health Canada is holding a public consultation on its proposed new approach to regulating gene-edited food and crops. Its proposal would

  • exclude most products of gene-editing from government safety assessment, 
  • allow unregulated gene-edited seed and products onto the market without identifying them as gene-edited and
  • allow unregulated gene-edited products to be sold without first informing Health Canada
The consultation will close on Monday May 24. 

To easily participate use the Action page on the NFU website where you can send an instant letter to Health Canada. You can just fill it in and click send, or if you wish to personalize your message you can edit the form letter before sending. Click here for the Action tool along with background explaining the consultation, the issues and the NFU recommendations. If you want more detail see the NFU's full brief to Health Canada

Please send your letter today! The deadline is Monday May 24.

Please share this Action Alert with friends who share your concerns. 

Thanks a lot!

Click here to take action!

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