Monday, May 31, 2021

Turkey captures  
KIDNAPS wanted nephew of Fethullah Gülen - Anadolu Agency

May 31 2021

Turkish National Intelligence (MİT) agents have captured and repatriated a nephew of the U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen, who is accused by Ankara of masterminding the July 2016 coup attempt, state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Monday.

Selahaddin Gülen, who faces charges of membership in a terrorist organisation, was brought back to Turkey by MİT agents following an operation abroad, the agency said, stopping short of listing which country.

Ankara designates the Gülen movement a terrorist organisation over the group's alleged involvement in the failed coup attempt to topple the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Following the failed putsch, tens of thousands of suspected Gülen devotees have fled abroad as the Turkish government continues a crackdown on the group that extends beyond the country’s borders.

Gülen, a former ally of Erdoğan, denies accusations of involvement in the failed coup attempt. Over 292,000 people have been detained over alleged membership in the group, according data from the Turkish Interior Ministry.

Anadolu on Monday published a photograph of Selahaddin Gülen in handcuffs, flanked by the Turkish flag on both sides of the suspect.

Kenya’s media has reported that the suspect was arrested in the Eastern African country.

Turkish authorities were seeking the suspect on charges of "aiding an armed terrorist organisation’’ and "child sexual assault’’ charges, BBC Turkish said.

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