Friday, May 21, 2021

Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky Monism of the Universe

, or everything feels

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

"The ability of organisms to sense pleasant and unpleasant things I call sensitivity. Note this, since this word often means responsiveness (in the living – reflexes). Responsiveness is something else entirely. All the bodies of the cosmos are responsive. Thus, all bodies change in volume, shape, color, strength, transparency, and all other properties depending on temperature, pressure, light, and generally the influence of other bodies.”

"Every particle of the universe is responsive. We think she's also sensitive."

"Of the animals known to us, humans are the most sensitive. The other known animals are the less sensitive the lower their organization."

"...with the death or transition of the organic to the inorganic, sensitivity ceases.

"The feeling disappears, but the responsiveness remains in the dead body, only it becomes less intense and more accessible to the scientist than to the average person."

"Every atom of matter feels according to its surroundings."

"Since all matter can always pass into an organic state under favorable conditions, we can conditionally say that inorganic matter is potentially alive."

The three bases of judgment

"It (time) has two directions – past and future-and a certain quantity, that is, it is measurable, like any quantity. Like any quantity, it is infinite, that is, it has neither beginning nor end.”

In nature, space has no boundaries.

Without matter, there is no time, no space, no force.

The law of repeatability

"...the number of planets in space is still increasing almost a million times and already reaches hundreds of millions of billions (1017)."

"...the ethereal islands [have] no end. Their group is a unit of the 5th order. The number of digits of astronomical units is probably as infinite as time and space, i.e. there is both the 6th and 7th digits-without end."

"The phenomena of the cosmos are periodic."

"In general, the universe has always had one view"

"People tend to think that everything dies as they die. This is one of the illusions of the mind, called anthropomorphism, or the assimilation of the surrounding phenomena of human life."

"The conclusion is that the universe, in general, has always presented the same picture. Even though our planetary system was a nebula billions of years ago, the appearance of the Milky Way has remained the same for quadrillions of years. It was a cluster of hundreds of millions of suns, ranging in age from planetary nebulae to dark suns frozen from the surface."

Periodicity of the structure of atoms and their positions in celestial bodies

"From a simple, probably single matter (substance – essence – principle), the whole variety of so-called chemical elements and their compounds is obtained. Conversely, the explosion of extinct suns and the formation of planetary nebulae results in simple matter from complex matter."

" ...everything is continuously and periodically moved and transformed. This process of exchange and transformation of elements is always carried out, in addition to catastrophic phenomena."

"...the process of exchange and transformation of elements is always carried out, in addition to catastrophic phenomena."


K. Tsiolkovsky Monism of the Universe, Kaluga 1931

"Then, the theories show that all the planets separated from the sun, first touching it, and only then gradually moved away. So any planet for a certain period of time was at a temperature suitable for the self-generation and development of life. On the contrary, every planet, including Earth, was not once in these conditions. Also, every planet that currently has a favorable degree of heat will eventually lose it, as it moves away from the sun. In addition, this central star itself, when it flares up or fades out, also gives all the planets convenient moments for the development of life, regardless of the change in their distance from the sun."

"...most of the major planets, or rather planets with gas shells, are, or have been, or will be inhabited."

"Thus, the number of people, having reached its limit, will not increase, but the quality of people will continuously change for the better. Natural selection will be replaced by artificial selection, and science and technology will come to its aid."

"Colonization of the Solar System and the Milky Way, that is, our spiral nebula

The technology of the future will make it possible to overcome the Earth's gravity and travel throughout the Solar System. They will visit and explore all its planets. Imperfect worlds will be eliminated and replaced with their own homes, borrowing material from asteroids, planets and their satellites."

"...the most perfect type of organism that lives in the ether and feeds directly on solar energy will prevail."

"After the settlement of our Solar System, other solar systems of our Milky Way will begin to settle."

Populating the universe

"On all planets with atmospheres, the beginnings of life were revealed in due time. But on some of them, due to the conditions, it flourished more luxuriantly and faster, gave beings technical and mental power, and became the source of higher life for other planets of the universe."

"...sowers of higher life. In some places they destroyed the rudiments of primitive or ugly life, in some places they waited for good fruits and renewal of the life of the cosmos."

"The torturous life of the Earth is rare, because it turned out to be self-birth, not settlement."

"The Earth's improved life stream is designed to replenish the decline of the regressing rocks of the cosmos."

The sense of the atom and its parts

"The atom then decomposes, and its weight, or mass, decreases, then it is created, and its atomic weight increases ... in addition, the atom moves."

"Absolute time is that which is observed by a long-living, non-dying, and non-sleeping being."

"Subjective time is something quite different. This is the apparent time experienced by organisms."

" the subjective sense, the course of the higher life of any atom is not only unlimited, but also continuous."

"...death ends all suffering and gives, subjectively, immediate happiness."

Pictorial representation of the sensuous life of the atom

"In the new life, only happiness and contentment will remain."

"...the wave-life has a beginning and an end, and there is one period out of many of them.

All these periods are, in fact, quite monotonous: happiness, contentment, the consciousness of the universe, the consciousness of its never-ending destiny, the understanding of the truth, which is the right way to support the cosmos in a brilliant state of perfection."


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