Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Gov. Noem: Biggest cultural challenge is 'defeating anti-American indoctrination'

Morgan Matzen, Sioux Falls Argus Leader 

The biggest cultural challenge of this lifetime is “defeating anti-American indoctrination,” Gov. Kristi Noem said in a Fox News opinion piece co-signed by Dr. Ben Carson and published Monday morning.
© Erin Bormett / Argus Leader Governor Kristi Noem gives the State of the State address on Tuesday, January 12, in the House of Representatives at the South Dakota State Capitol in Pierre.

The politicians shared they’ve signed on to the "1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools," which commits that K-12 public education will restore “honest, patriotic education that cultivates in our children a profound love for our country.”

Noem is widely considered a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate. Her signature comes as she proclaims Monday through Friday is Teacher Appreciation Week in South Dakota.

Carson was the 17th U.S. secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and a member of President Trump’s advisory 1776 Commission.

In the column, Noem and Carson criticize President Joe Biden for canceling and disbanding President Trump’s 1776 Commission, which released a controversial 1776 Report two days before the end of Trump’s term, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and attempted to end a “radicalized view of American history.”

More: Republican state lawmakers want to punish schools that teach the 1619 Project

The pledge also promotes curriculum that teaches all children are created equal, prohibits curriculum that “pits students against one another on the basis of race or sex,” and prohibits any curriculum that requires students to protest and lobby during or after school.

In the column, Noem shares concerns about giving up and abandoning altogether “the teaching of our children the true and inspiring story of America,” and that children should be taught about the country’s values, history and heroes. LIKE CUSTER

Noem and Carson also said it’s “alarming” that students are “being subjected to the radical concept known as critical race theory, which pits them against one another on the basis of race and gender under the guise of achieving ‘equity.’”

Critical race theory sows division and cripples the nation from within, “one brainwashed and resentful student at a time,” the pair argue.

America’s most defining principle, the pair argue, is that as individuals, “we are all created equal by God.”

Noem has shared similar concerns about the concept of indoctrination in the past. She's written a column for the Federalist with worries about the nation’s failure “to educate generations of our children about what makes America unique,” and for the “left’s indoctrination” of students.

At the time, local educators like Tim Eckart, president of the Sioux Falls Education Association, were not happy. Eckart said the suggestion that educators were indoctrinating students was "incredibly insulting."

The conservative governor also successfully pushed for $900,000 in state funding to create new civics curriculum to meet her goal of educating why the "U.S. is the most special nation in the history of the world," while efforts to mandate instruction on the state's tribal history, culture and government failed in the legislative session this spring.

A new state-specific curriculum has yet to be seen months after Noem pushed for it, but the South Dakota Department of Education has a two-year project to develop and prepare it for schools to use if they wish to do so.

This article originally appeared on Sioux Falls Argus Leader: Gov. Noem: Biggest cultural challenge is 'defeating anti-American indoctrination'

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