Monday, May 17, 2021

Chile's govt in shock loss as voters pick independents to draft constitution

By Aislinn Laing, Fabian Cambero and Dave Sherwood
 Reuters/RODRIGO GARRIDO Elections for governors, mayors, councillors and constitutional assembly members to draft a new constitution to replace Chile's charter, in Valparaiso

SANTIAGO (Reuters) -Chile's center-right ruling coalition suffered a shock loss on Sunday night after failing to secure a critical one-third of seats in the body that will draft the country's new constitution.

With 90% of the votes counted, candidates backed by President Sebastian Pinera's centre-right Chile Vamos coalition had won only a fifth while independents picked up the most votes. New proposals will require two-thirds approval and without a third of the delegates, the government will struggle to block radical changes to the constitution unless it can forge new alliances.
© Reuters/STRINGER Chileans vote for governors, mayors, councillors and constitutional assembly members to draft a new constitution, in Santiago

The result and defeats for Chile Vamos candidates in mayoral, governatorial and municipal elections held at the same time bode ill for the ruling coalition ahead of general and presidential elections in November.

The vote to pick 155 citizens to rewrite the constitution was borne from fierce protests that erupted over inequality and elitism in October 2019. The current constitution drafted during the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet is widely perceived to favor big business over the rights of ordinary citizens.

© Reuters/RODRIGO GARRIDO Elections for governors, mayors, councillors and constitutional assembly members to draft a new constitution to replace Chile's charter, in Valparaiso

Until recently, Chile Vamos had been confident its candidates would win at least a third of the vote.

Pinera said his government and other traditional political parties should heed the "loud and clear" message that they had not adequately responded to the needs of citizens.

It was "a great opportunity" for Chileans to build a more "fair, inclusive, prosperous and sustainable country," he added.

CNN's local channel in Chile projected independents would win 45 seats, Chile Vamos would gain 39, the centre-left 25, the far-left 28 and a small coalition would take one seat. Seventeen seats have been reserved for members of Chile's indigenous communities who are not mentioned in the present charter.

© Reuters/RODRIGO GARRIDO Elections for governors, mayors, councillors and constitutional assembly members to draft a new constitution to replace Chile's charter, in Valparaiso

Pinera cautioned, however, against extreme changes which some fear could threaten Chile's status as one of the wealthiest, most stable democracies in Latin America.

Some of the more controversial ideas being advanced for the new constitution include potential changes to private land and water rights as well as to employment legislation that could threaten the interests of traditional investors.

Gabriel Boric, a leading member of Chile's far-left Broad Front coalition, said the result paved the way for major changes in Chile, the world's largest copper producer.

"We are looking for a new treaty for our indigenous populations, to recover our natural resources, build a state that guarantees universal social rights," he said. "We're going to start from scratch and build a new Chile."

More than 1,200 people put themselves forward to draft the new charter, including actors, writers, civil society activists, politicians, TV hosts and fashion models.

Francisca Linconao, a "Machi" spiritual leader of the Mapuche indigenous people who was jailed for alleged terrorist links before later being absolved of charges and released, was among those winning a seat.

Delegates will spend a maximum 12-month period debating and crafting the new text and Chileans will then vote on the final product. If it fails, Chile will revert to the current text.

The new constitutional body is the first in the world to stipulate a roughly equal number of male and female delegates.

Marcela Cubillos, a senior figure in the Chile Vamos coalition who gained a seat, said the right would need to forge new alliances.

"The results that we are seeing today make the construction of these agreements essential," she told reporters.

The government's popularity has fallen amid COVID-related poverty and joblessness and due to its attempts to block citizens from drawing down their privately held pensions.


(Reporting by Aislinn Laing, Fabian Cambero and Dave Sherwood; Editing by Diane Craft and Edwina Gibbs)

Chileans urged to make voices heard on rewriting of constitution

By Aislinn Laing
© Reuters/RODRIGO GARRIDO Local and constitutional convention elections, in Valparaiso

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chileans were urged on Sunday to follow through on their call for a new constitution as voting to pick the architects of the charter entered a second day amid concerns about low turn-out, particularly in the country's more marginalized areas

© Reuters/PABLO SANHUEZA Local and constitutional convention elections in Chile

Observers around the South American nation reported a slow start in most polling stations on Sunday, a trend that was particularly marked in the poorest areas of the capital Santiago and in the north of the country, according to official data.
© Reuters/PABLO SANHUEZA Local and constitutional convention elections in Chile

Fourteen million people are eligible to pick the 155 people who will draft the new constitution and the government is hoping for turnout of 7 million.

Those chosen will spend a maximum of 12 months crafting the new text, with a two-thirds majority required for each key decision, forcing delegates to form alliances. Chileans will then vote on the final product. If it fails, the country will revert to the current text and the process ends.

More than 7.5 million people turned out in October last year and voted by 78% to tear up the present constitution drafted during the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

Video: Chile's Pinera votes for constituent assembly members (AFP)

Just over 3 million people, or 20.4% of the electorate, voted on Saturday, according to the country's Servel electoral service, with the turnout highest in the three Santiago suburbs which voted to reject a change to the constitution.

The call for a new constitution emerged from social unrest over inequality that tore through Chile, the world's largest producer of copper, in October 2019 and still simmers to this day amid economic hardship wrought by the coronavirus pandemic and what many perceive to be patchy government support.

Maria Emilia, 71, a polling station volunteer in the working class Santiago suburb of La Pintana, issued a plea for youthful voters to cement their call for a new Chile.

"I have been here since 8 a.m. and I am so sad to have only seen one young person come," she said in a video posted on social media. "Please guys, wake up. You fought so hard to have a new constitution."

Luz Donaire, 65, a small business owner in neighboring Puente Alto, said she was voting for the sake of future generations. "My expectations are high. I want more equality for my grandchildren."

Analysts said turnout on Saturday could have been affected by a lack of trust that votes cast on the first day would be safe in polling stations overnight, and could still pick up on Sunday, Chile's traditional day for voting.

© Reuters/RODRIGO GARRIDO Local and constitutional convention elections, in Valparaiso

Claudia Heiss, an investigator for Chile's Center of Conflict and Social Cohesion Studies, said last year's plebiscite had offered a clearer choice of yes or no whereas the latest poll involved choosing individuals, many of them with political links. That could have generated fresh mistrust, particularly among young voters, she said.

Camila Rojas, 20, voted for the first time in Chile's seaside city of Valparaiso and issued a stern call to her generation. "I guess people got demotivated, felt like nothing is going to change," she said. "But change starts with you - if you don't vote then nothing is going to change."

© Reuters/JUAN GONZALEZ Chileans vote for governors, mayors, councillors and constitutional assembly members to draft a new constitution, in Temuco

(Reporting by Aislinn Laing; Additional reporting Pablo Sanhueza in Santiago and Rodrigo Garrido in Valparaiso; Editing by Paul Simao)

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