Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The virus and the asparagus - a European saga

2020, The virus and the asparagus - a European saga
26 Pages
In pandemic times, in a Europe locked up everywhere, the European Union and its neo-liberal Member States have pushed hundreds of thousands of superheroes to escape from the confinement of their homes, undertake perilous journeys in huddled planes and cars, cross borderlines, and land in labor camps where they have been sequestered in jam-packed containers and put to work in crowded fields to harvest and plant crops, paid a pittance, sunrise to sunset, ten hours a day, seven days a week. We tell the compelling saga of the Romanian seasonal workers in the German asparagus fields.

[Thou shalt] Honour the asparagus! : Romanian Agricultural Labour in Germany during the COVID-19 Season | Lefteast

39 Views5 Pages
Not even a pandemic should endanger the Germans’ asparagus consumption. Even if Romanian seasonal workers bear the health costs for it – or die.

The COVID 19 Crisis and the End of the Low skilled Worker – Spectre Journal

2020, Spectre Journal
128 Views8 Pages
In a pandemic, 'essential' laborers are working, but the labor market is dysfunctional

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