Saturday, June 19, 2021

This Jupiter Retrograde Is Going To Mean Major Changes — Are You Ready?

The luckiest planet in the sky is about to begin its backwards dance in outer space — aka, Jupiter retrograde is here. Starting on June 20, the same day as the Summer Solstice, Jupiter will begin its four month-long retrograde in the sign of dreamy Pisces, and then dip back into intellectual Aquarius on July 28 until it turns direct on October 18.
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“Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and abundance, which is why astrologers are always tracking in which part of our individual charts it is bringing growth,” Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for, tells Refinery29. And because Jupiter is all about growth, when it goes retrograde, Montúfar says we get a valuable opportunity to internalize our own personal development. It’s a pretty great transit for self-reflection and self-actualization as it also allows us to “reconsider if the ways in which we have been growing and expanding are in line with our higher self or the person we are becoming,” she says.

But our growth may feel a little stunted, says Madi Murphy, co-founder of The Cosmic RX and The Cosmic Revolution. “Jupiter is normally a generous and benevolent planet — think of it like your friend that’s always treating the crowd to an extra round of shots,” she says. “However, when retrograding it can feel slightly restricted. Expansion and growth can feel like it’s going in reverse gear in some areas of life.” Murphy says that this transit is a good time to review your habits and choices, and notice where you may be taking on too many responsibilities or putting forth extra effort that may not be worth it. “Jupiter retrograde can give you the chance to reflect and get things under control,” she says.

Personal growth is usually a positive, but there are a few negative happenings we should be on the lookout for during this transit. “When expansive, philosophical, and lucky planet Jupiter goes retrograde, it makes our morals more questionable,” Lisa Stardust, the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck, tells Refinery29. During this time, Stardust says that greed or arrogance can stand in the way of us reaching our goals. During this time, she advises us to “second-guess our choices and to use our inner moral compass” to “make sure that we are living up to our highest and truest versions of ourselves.” The key here, she says, is open mindedness, and to really feel out all of our potential options before making any hasty decisions. Or, in other words, just relax!

When Jupiter retrograde moves from Pisces to Aquarius on July 28, we’ll be getting some much needed clarity, says Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at “While Jupiter was direct in Aquarius we saw many new ideas being presented that affect the collective,” she says. “During its retrograde, details will be worked out, and we will learn just how much benefit we will all reap from new ideas and approaches.” Hale says we could be tested during this time, so be on your toes — it could happen at any moment.

Retrogrades often have us rethink the ways in which we’ve been living our lives, and there’s no better time than Jupiter’s backwards dance to reassess how we want to move forward. “It’s a great time to rethink any plans, review your big-picture goals that you set into place in the beginning of 2021, and reflect on what you want to innovate and imagine creating in the remainder of 2021,” Murphy says. It’s almost like we’re getting an energetic second wind to carry us through the rest of the year — what will you do with it?


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