Friday, July 23, 2021


David Cameron and Greensill: Probe labelled ‘whitewash’ after saying lobbying system largely ‘worked well’

Review finds Lex Greensill enjoyed ‘extraordinary privileged’ access while the former prime minister ‘understated’ his role with financier’s firm – but did not break rules

A Government-commissioned probe into the Greensill scandal has found that the lobbying system largely “worked well”, prompting accusations of a “whitewash”.

The long-awaited 141-page report by Nigel Boardman was commissioned by Boris Johnson amid a lobbying controversy which had former prime minister David Cameron at its heart.

The inquiry was launched in April after it emerged that Mr Cameron intensively and privately lobbied ministers to attempt to try to secure access to an emergency coronavirus loan scheme for Greensill Capital, where he took up a role in 2018.

The lobbying came after years of financier Lex Greensill enjoying what Mr Boardman described as “extraordinarily privileged” access to the Government after first taking up roles in Whitehall in 2012.

Mr Cameron was criticised in the report for “understating” his post-Government role with Greensill Capital while unsuccessfully lobbying ministers including Chancellor Rishi Sunak and then-Health Secretary Matt Hancock to get business for the supply chain finance company.

The late Cabinet Secretary Lord Heywood was also criticised for bringing his old Morgan Stanley colleague Mr Greensill into Whitehall and then failing to consider the potential conflict of interest as the financier built up his supply chain finance firm while using his Government role as a “marketing platform”.

But ultimately Mr Cameron was cleared of breaking any rules or laws, while serving ministers were praised for not allowing themselves to be unduly influenced by the firm’s lobbying, which deployed the likes of the former PM and ex-senior officials.

The report, released on Thursday, said concerns that the rules around lobbying allow the exploitation of loopholes, lack transparency and give a “privileged few” a “disproportionate level of access” were somewhat justified.

But ultimately, the system “worked well” in the case of the Greensill affair, the report said.

“Those lobbying government on behalf of Greensill Capital at times used strong methods,” Mr Boardman wrote.

“However, it is worth noting that, while there are improvements to be made, the current system and those operating within it worked well.”

By the time Greensill Capital was declared insolvent earlier this year, it was only providing finance for the Government through a pharmacy early-pay scheme and through offering an app for early-wage payments to some NHS trusts, the report said.

“This low take-up of supply chain finance by government attests to the fact that ministers and civil servants made the proper analysis of the products being offered to them and did not allow their judgment to be influenced under the pressure being applied by Greensill Capital,” it added.

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner said the report was “was set up as a classic Boris Johnson cover-up and whitewash to protect the Government”

She pointed out that Mr Boardman is an appointed Government non-executive director “whose firm worked with the Treasury on corporate financing and had previously campaigned against lobbying reforms”.

She added: “The Greensill scandal proves beyond all doubt that the rules that are supposed to regulate lobbying are completely unfit for purpose and require radical and immediate overhaul.”

In a statement, Mr Cameron said he was “pleased” that the report confirmed that he broke no rules and that he was not responsible for bringing Mr Greensill into the Government.

On Tuesday, a separate report by MPs on the Commons Treasury committee found Mr Cameron had abused his position as former PM when he lobbied ministers over Greensill, but that he did not break any rules.

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