Tuesday, July 27, 2021

DE SADE On Heroism

"...when whole nations, at first guided by priests, after having slaughtered each other in the name of their chimerical divinities, later take up arms for their king or country, the homage offered to heroism counterbalances the tribute paid to superstition; not only do they then most rightly substitute these new heroes for their gods, but they also sing their warrior's praises as once they had sung the praises of Heaven..."

The Marquis de Sade,
Reflections on the Novel

The Marquis de Sade as artistic giant
Quills has verve. A macabre ending to old charmer's life
MATT RADZ , The Gazette

de Sade references and essays

Marquis de Sade

The Marquis de Sade: A Life

The Marquis de Sade: The Biography Project

The Complete Marquis de Sade - Google Books

The Marquis De Sade: A Very Short Introduction - Google Books

Marquis De Sade: His Life and Works - Google Books

The Marquis de Sade » Read Now by Simone de Beauvoir. 242 pgs.

Marquis de Sade eBooks

Marquis de Sade Quotes

Wealth and Pleasure be yours! If my scribblings have brought you a measure of both, set me to advantage on your bookshelf. If I have bored you, accept my apologies and consign me to the flames. -- The Marquis de Sade

Yes, I am a libertine, I admit it freely. I have dreamed of doing everything that it is possible to dream of in that line. But I have certainly not done all the things I have dreamt of and never shall. Libertine I may be, but I am not a criminal, I am not a murderer. -- The Marquis de Sade

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