Friday, July 16, 2021

Fox Business host panics that Democrats' child tax credit will be 'very popular' -- and hard to destroy

Brad Reed
July 13, 2021

Stuart Varney appears on Fox Business (screen grab)

Payments start going out this week to families across the United States as part of the child tax credit that passed earlier this year as part of the Democrats' COVID-19 relief package.

Via Media Matters, Fox Business host Stuart Varney lamented to guest Charles Hurt on Tuesday that the tax credit was going to be very hard to get rid of because voters are going to like it so much.

"Question -- which politician is going to say no to money for children?" Varney asked. "The parents of 70 million youngsters will be getting this money -- that is a very large group of voters. When they get used to the checks, will they vote for the politicians who cut them off? Probably not."

Varney went on to lament that the tax credit was making the United States more like Europe, along with what he described as "socialized medicine."

"If you've got more than two children, I mean, that money is coming right at you," he complained. "Some people, low-income people, will actually have their income doubled with this. That's going to make it very popular. They're going to vote for the people who give them that money. It's going to be awfully difficult for the Republicans to turn around and say, wait a minute, wait a minute, we can't afford this."

Watch the video below.

“it's going be very popular"

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