Sunday, July 18, 2021

GE to expand wind turbine blade factory in Canada

The facility in Gaspé has manufactured more than 10,000 blades, equivalent to around 6,000MW of capacity

The Big Zero report
Priyanka Shrestha
Friday 16 July 2021

Image: LM Wind Power

GE Renewable Energy has announced plans to expand its wind turbine blade facility in Gaspé, Canada.

It is partnering with the Governments of Canada and Québec to jointly invest in the expansion of the facility owned by LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy business, to meet the growing demand for renewable energy across North America.

The expansion of the plant, which started operations in 2005 and was previously expanded in 2017, is expected to help create around 200 skilled jobs.

The facility has manufactured more than 10,000 blades, equivalent to around 6,000MW of capacity.

Heather Chalmers, President & CEO, GE Canada said: “GE believes climate change is an urgent global priority. We are pleased to be working with committed partners, like Canada, to provide the myriad technology solutions that will be required for the world to meet its net zero commitments.

“The plant expansion aligns perfectly with Canadian and Québec government policy and economic ambitions and we are pleased to partner with them on an initiative that underscores the ability to work together to address the urgent global crisis of climate change.”

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