Saturday, July 24, 2021


Quebec nixes LNG plant that would have carried Western Canadian natural gas to markets overseas

Premier François Legault had initially supported the project, but it was met with widespread opposition

The Quebec government's decision not to approve a LNG facility in the Saguenay region effectively kills a $14-billion project that would have carried natural gas from Western Canada across Quebec to the Saguenay port, then shipped it overseas. (Julia Page/CBC)

The Quebec government has refused to approve construction of a liquified natural gas (LNG) facility in the Saguenay, north of Quebec City, following years of opposition from citizens, Indigenous communities and environmental experts.

The decision, announced Wednesday by Environment Minister Benoit Charette, effectively kills a $14-billion project that would have carried natural gas from Western Canada across Quebec to the Saguenay port, then shipped it to markets overseas.

Premier François Legault's government had initially been a proponent of the project, which it hoped would diversify the economy in a region largely dependent on the aluminum and forestry industries.

But the government also set out three criteria for approving the natural gas facility: it had to help with the transition toward greener forms of energy, lower greenhouse gas emissions and have sufficient public support.

Charette said an analysis by his ministry determined the Énergie Saguenay project couldn't meet the first two criteria. Ministry officials didn't bother analyzing the third.

'It is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages,' Quebec Environment Minister Benoit Charette, seen here in November 2020, said Wednesday. (Paul Chiasson/The Canadian Press)

"It is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages," he said at a news conference in Saguenay.

Legault's cabinet met hours earlier to finalize the decision not to support construction of the facility.

The $14-billion project was composed of a plan to build a 780 -kilometre natural gas pipeline from northern Ontario to Saguenay, and a separate project to build a plant to liquify the gas in Saguenay and load it onto tankers.

Wednesday's decision concerned only the LNG plant, but Charette acknowledged that without the plant it was very unlikely the pipeline would go ahead, too.

GNL Quebec, the company behind Énergie Saguenay project, said in a statement that it was "disappointed and surprised" by the announcement, and was evaluating what to do next.

Charette acknowledges disappointment likely in West

The natural gas would have come from Western Canada, mainly from hydraulic fracturing operations in British Columbia and Alberta. Charette said he expected many there, especially in Alberta, would be disappointed by Quebec's decision.

But he stressed that Quebec wasn't the only jurisdiction in the world to look critically at natural resource projects.

"To our friends from Alberta, we say, let's work together on other kinds of projects, on cleaner projects," he said.

The Quebec government's initial enthusiasm for the project became difficult to maintain as major financial backers withdrew their support and environmental concerns mounted. 

In March, the province's independent environmental review agency issued a report that was critical of the plans to build a plant and marine terminal in the Saguenay.

The project was likely to increase greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by eight million tonnes annually, the agency concluded.

A Greenpeace banner reading 'No GNL' is shown hanging from a building under construction at the University of Montreal in October 2020. Énergie Saguenay, a project by GNL Quebec, had attracted significant opposition from environmental groups. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press)

Last month, federal environmental agencies determined the project, which would involve large tankers transiting along the Saguenay River, threatened beluga whales.

And last week, three Innu communities vowed to oppose the project because of the negative impact it would have on the environment.

"We signed a collaboration agreement with the promoter several years ago, but over time we realized the project wasn't that green," Martin Dufour, chief of the Essipit Innu band council, said Wednesday.

"It was an easy decision because the project went against our values about fauna and the environment."

Other investments coming for Saguenay, minister promises

For the Saguenay business community, however, the government's decision was a bitter pill to swallow, especially after it had openly supported the project for so long.

Charette was joined at Wednesday news conference by Andrée Laforest, the minister responsible for the Saguenay area.

"I didn't want to flee from the bad news," said Laforest, who was among Énergie Saguenay's most vocal supporters.

Laforest promised other major investments in the local aluminum and forestry industries would be forthcoming. Along with Charette, she tried to underscore that their government remained receptive to other large development opportunities.

"We believed in the GNL Quebec project. The government was very open to it. We will continue to be open to ambitious projects," she said.

Quebec rejects $14 billion natural gas project in Saguenay over environmental issues
By The Canadian Press
Thursday, July 22, 2021, 
Proposed Energie Saguenay project site Source: GNL Quebec

A $14-billion project that would have seen natural gas from Western Canada exported to Europe and Asia through Quebec has been rejected by the Quebec government.

Environment Minister Benoit Charette told reporters in Saguenay ­– the region where a natural gas plant would have been built – that the provincial government is not convinced the project would lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

“The promoter has not succeeded in demonstrating this, on the contrary,'' he said, adding that the government is worried it would discourage natural gas buyers in Europe and Asia from moving to cleaner energy sources.

“This is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages,'' Charette said.

GNL Quebec had proposed building a plant in Port Saguenay about 220 kilometres north of Quebec City, to liquefy natural gas from Western Canada. The project would have also required the construction of a 780-kilometre pipeline to connect the plant to existing natural gas pipelines in Ontario.

The project had initially been greeted positively by the Coalition Avenir Quebec government. Charette said he was predisposed to support the project, but in the end it didn't meet the required environmental conditions.

The company said it was disappointed and surprised by the decision.

“Our board of directors will evaluate the next steps to deal with this difficult decision that will have an impact on our employees, our investors and our stakeholders,'' GNL spokesman Louis-Martin Leclerc said in an emailed statement Wednesday.

GNL had said the plant would be carbon neutral and would encourage an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, because natural gas would replace dirtier fuels such as coal and oil. Quebec's environmental review board, however, concluded in March the estimated reductions were unlikely to occur.

A coalition of environmental groups, including Equiterre, the David Suzuki Foundation and Greenpeace, said the decision was a victory for activists who had opposed the project.

“The Quebec government's announcement of the rejection of the GNL Quebec project demonstrates that there is no future for fossil fuel projects,'' the groups said in a statement. Several Indigenous communities had also opposed the project.

© 2021 The Canadian Press

Here's Why Quebec Cancelled A Controversial Natural Gas Project

Everything you need to know about the failed LNG Project.


Quebec has cancelled the controversial Énergie Saguenay liquefied natural gas (LNG) project.

The Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) put an end to the project due to the findings of a report analyzing the environmental impact of building a natural gas facility in Saguenay.

What was the LNG project?

Énergie Saguenay wanted approval to construct a natural gas processing facility that would "liquefy natural gas in order to export it to world markets," according to its website. In addition to the facility, the idea was to construct an LNG pipeline that would cross into Northern Ontario.

The company said the project's aim is to "support efforts to fight climate change in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in the world, by providing transitional energy that will replace other more polluting energies, such as coal and fuel oil."

Quebec Premier François Legault was reportedly in favour of the project but was met with pushback from environmental and Indigenous groups.

In September 2020, the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) began a public hearing as part of its systematic review of the project in consultation with the Innu communities of Mashteuiatsh and Essipit.

Why did Quebec cancel the project?

On July 21, the MELCC announced that the Quebec government had decided not to authorize the project.

It cited the results of BAPE's environmental impact report, which found that the LNG project in Saguenay "could have the long-term consequence of slowing down the energy transition of the project client countries."

In addition, the government established that there was no way the project could "count on a net reduction in [greenhouse gas] emissions on a global scale, since the project initiator cannot guarantee the use of liquefied natural gas as an alternative to sources that emit more GHG, such as coal and fuel oil."

The project's own GHG reduction measures were also found insufficient to offset its own emissions.

"We had to face the facts that the risks of the Énergie Saguenay project outweighed its benefits," said Benoit Charette, Quebec's minister of the environment and the fight against climate change.

"However, we are optimistic that the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region will quickly have the opportunity to enrich itself with other economic projects, such as the Élysis green aluminum project, which will create jobs while actively participating in the Quebec-wide fight against climate change."

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