Friday, July 30, 2021


Twitter calls for #JusticeForNoor and 

wonders when Pakistani women will be safe


This is the third brutal attack on a woman in
Pakistan in the past couple of days.

It seems like every day there is a new hashtag informing us of 

another brutal act of violence against a Pakistani woman. 

Women get no respite from this never-ending cycle of violence

 and every day there is another example of how women are not 


On Tuesday, 27-year-old Noor Muqaddam, the daughter 

of the former ambassador to South Korea, was killed in Islamabad

According to the police, she was slaughtered after being shot at.

Twitter is currently filled with posts from people shocked at

 the murder and calling for justice for Noor.

It should be declared a national emergency, said one user.

 Perhaps someone will actually do something about it then.

Actor Osman Khalid Butt vowed that he wouldn't stop 

screaming until justice was served.

Singer Meesha Shafi sarcastically congratulated 

those who opposed the violence against women bill.

Other people noted that there had been three hashtags 

calling for justice for women victims of violence back to 


The first was for Quratulain and the second for Saima.

One user reminded us that, yes, all men.

Why do women need more rights, people ask. 

This is why.

This violence is a terrifying prospect women 

live in fear of every day.

This user reflected on the inherently unsafe 

world women live in.

Others were just in shock and disbelief.

Safety is a privilege and it can be snatched 

away at any time, reminded this user.

Don't confuse the issue, this was a murder, 

one user asserted.

Another questioned what the state of other cities

 is if Islamabad is this unsafe.

These users had reminders for everyone about 

how often this happens and how unsafe they feel.

There is very little left to say because every other day a 

brutal incident of violence against a woman is reported

 and no one is doing anything to stop it. 

We need action and we need it now because women

 are not safe. 

If their killers, harassers and abusers are not behind bars, 

women will never be safe and we need the government 

and our law enforcers to step up. Help protect your citizens 

and make this country safer for everyone.

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