Thursday, July 29, 2021

  Solar power and desalination to be efficiently linked for first time in new project

Meeting Announcement


Cranfield University will join 19 research partners spread through 12 countries to develop a first-of-a-kind plant which couples concentrated solar power (CSP) and desalination techniques.

The 10M€ European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded research and innovation programme will last 4 years. Innovative technologies related to both CSP and desalination will be designed to improve the efficiency of existing concepts. Improvements will be made on the independent systems but also on their coupling, taking advantage from the mutual interaction and potential.

Cranfield University is the only UK partner, and they are building on a long-standing reputation in CSP, the grant is worth 799k€ to them over 4 years. 

Chris Sansom, Cranfield’s Professor of CSP and Head of Centre for Renewable Energy Systems, said: “Generating environmentally-safe and sustainable sources of both power and fresh water is a challenge for many countries. The final demonstration system will be a 2 MWel power plant built in Saudi Arabia bringing together two promising technologies associated for the first time to reach unprecedented efficiencies. For Cranfield, it is further recognition of our research capabilities in both CSP and Water Sciences.”  

The DESOLINATION project focuses on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region to test and deploy its technology. A first prototype will be built on the premises of King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

With high solar resources and high demand for desalinated water, it is expected that the prototype will provide low-cost renewable electricity (<90€/MWh) and low-cost fresh water (<0.9€/m3), matching the countries’ requirements for efficient and accessible production of water. 

Carbon dioxide blends will be the core of the innovation in the concentrated solar process, leading to more efficient and less expensive power cycle. With water, forward osmosis will be developed and linked to membrane distillation using the wasted heat from the power cycle to generate freshwater. Finally, a unique combination of the power and water cycles will allow the disruptive coupled system to work at high waste-heat-to-freshwater conversion efficiency.

The final system will also benefit from a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions compared to traditional desalination systems.

UCF researchers develop new nanomaterial to derive clean fuel from the sea

The material offers the high performance and stability needed for industrial-scale electrolysis, which could produce a clean energy fuel from seawater

Peer-Reviewed Publication


ORLANDO, July 28, 2021 – Hydrogen fuel derived from the sea could be an abundant and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, but the potential power source has been limited by technical challenges, including how to practically harvest it.

Researchers at the University of Central Florida have designed for the first time a nanoscale material that can efficiently split seawater into oxygen and a clean energy fuel — hydrogen. The process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is known as electrolysis and effectively doing it has been a challenge until now.

The stable, and long-lasting nanoscale material to catalyze the reaction, which the UCF team developed, is explained this month in the journal Advanced Materials.

“This development will open a new window for efficiently producing clean hydrogen fuel from seawater,” says Yang Yang, an associate professor in UCF’s NanoScience Technology Center and study co-author.

Hydrogen is a form of renewable energy that—if made cheaper and easier to produce—can have a major role in combating climate change, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Hydrogen could be converted into electricity to use in fuel cell technology that generates water as product and makes an overall sustainable energy cycle, Yang says.

How It Works

The researchers developed a thin-film material with nanostructures on the surface made of nickel selenide with added, or “doped,” iron and phosphor. This combination offers the high performance and stability that are needed for industrial-scale electrolysis but that has been difficult to achieve because of issues, such as competing reactions, within the system that threaten efficiency.

The new material balances the competing reactions in a way that is low-cost and high-performance, Yang says.

Using their design, the researchers achieved high efficiency and long-term stability for more than 200 hours.

“The seawater electrolysis performance achieved by the dual-doped film far surpasses those of the most recently reported, state-of-the-art electrolysis catalysts and meets the demanding requirements needed for practical application in the industries,” Yang says.

The researcher says the team will work to continue to improve the electrical efficiency of the materials they’ve developed. They are also looking for opportunities and funding to accelerate and help commercialize the work.


More About the Team

Co-authors included Jinfa Chang, a postdoctoral scholar, and Guanzhi Wang, a doctoral student in materials science engineering, both with UCF’s NanoScience Technology Center; and Ruslan Kuliiev ’20MS, a graduate of UCF’s Master’s in Aerospace Engineering program, and Nina Orlovskaya, an associate professor with UCF’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Renewable Energy and Chemical Transformation Cluster.

Yang holds joint appointments in UCF’s NanoScience Technology Center and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, which is part of the university’s College of Engineering and Computer Science. He is a member of UCF’s Renewable Energy and Chemical Transformation (REACT) Cluster. He also holds a secondary joint-appointment in UCF’s Department of Chemistry. Before joining UCF in 2015, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Rice University and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. He received his doctorate in materials science from Tsinghua University in China.

CONTACT: Robert H. Wells, Office of Research,

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