Friday, July 16, 2021

More than 2M sign up under ACA special enrollment period

July 14 (UPI) -- More than 2 million people have signed up for health insurance during the Affordable Care Act's special enrollment period so far this year, the Biden administration announced Wednesday.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said that as of the start of the special enrollment period, Feb. 15, more than 1.5 million people signed up through the website, while another 600,000 signed up through state-run marketplaces.

Within a month of his inauguration, President Joe Biden launched the special enrollment period to allow Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to gain access to health coverage. The extension was paid for under the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

Open enrollment is typically limited to a 45-day window each November and December, or during certain life changes, such as a move, job change or birth of a child.

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In addition to the enrollment extension, the American Rescue Plan provided enhanced subsidies for those who receive health coverage under the ACA.

"Let's be clear -- the monthly Marketplace numbers show that across the country, there's a demand for high-quality, low-cost health coverage," said Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

"And month after month, we are reminded that the Biden-Harris Administration is fulfilling its promise to deliver access to quality, affordable health coverage by strengthening the Affordable Care Act and pushing its Build Back Better Agenda."

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The special enrollment period and enhanced subsidies are expected to run through Aug. 15, though CNN cited administration officials as saying they're looking to extend it further.

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