Thursday, July 22, 2021

Vietnam affirms solidarity with Cuba amidst difficulties

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association have sent a solidarity message affirming strong support for Cuban people in the context that the Cuban Revolution is facing the most difficult time during its 60-year history due to impacts of economic siege and embargos and the COVID-19 pandemic.

VNA Thursday, July 22, 2021 17:22
People in Cuba join a demonstration in Havana to show support for the success of the country's revolution (Photo: VNA)Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association have sent a solidarity message affirming strong support for Cuban people in the context that the Cuban Revolution is facing the most difficult time during its 60-year history due to impacts of economic siege and embargos and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We resolutely oppose all plots and actions that incite, instigate, spread fake news, and distort in order to cause political disturbance and instability in Cuba,” they said in the message.

The US government’s unreasonable and inhumane embargo policy over the past nearly 60 years is the cause of difficulties in the lives of Cubans today, and seriously violates the human rights of the Cuban people, they said, noting that the measures tightening sanctions from April 2019 to December 2020 alone cost the Cuban economy more than 9 billion USD.

Overcoming difficulties, Cuba has gained important achievements, especially in science, technology, education and health.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cuban Government has made efforts and proactively implemented all solutions to ensure people’s lives, while continuing to conduct humanitarian medical activities and coordinate with the international community to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For peace-lovers around the world, Cuba is a symbol of international solidarity and the unyielding will to fight for freedom, peace, national independence and sovereignty and human dignity. Therefore, from 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has issued 29 resolutions supporting Cuba and calling for an end to the embargo against the country.

“The Vietnamese people call on the US Government to stop its hostile policy and immediately lift the unilateral economic and financial blockade against Cuba, soon normalize relations with Cuba, and respect the Cuban people’s right to choose their own development path and social regime. It is the most necessary thing to do now, and a practical way for the Cuban people to enjoy their legitimate rights, thus meeting the aspirations and interests of the Cuban people, the US people and the people of the world, and contributing to peace, stability and development in the region and in the world,” the message wrote.

The Vietnamese people never forget the steadfast solidarity and generous support that the Cuban people gave to Vietnam at the most difficult times, the two Vietnamese associations said, affirming that the Vietnamese people will always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with and support the Cuban people in any circumstances.

"We believe that with the measures and efforts of the Cuban Party and Government as well as the revolutionary tradition, will, determination, wisdom and courage of the Cuban people, Cuba will soon overcome current difficulties and successfully carry out the process of updating the socio-economic model and firmly moving forward on the chosen path," read the message.

Iran backs Cuba in fight against illegal US sanctions: Envoy

TEHRAN, Jul. 22 (MNA) –Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations said that Islamic Republic of Iran firmly throws its weight behind Cuban government and people in the fight against illegal US sanctions.

Speaking in an extraordinary meeting of ambassadors of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at the United Nations on Wed., Majid Takht Ravanchi reiterated Iran’s firm support for Cuban government and people in countering illegal US sanctions imposed this country.

Referring to the hostile and provocative nature of US policy toward Cuba, he described it as a clear violation of norms and fundamental rules of international law and an undermining of human rights and democracy.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Takht Ravanchi stated that Islamic Republic of Iran declares its firm support and solidarity with the people and government of Cuba in the fight against illegal and illegitimate US sanctions.

While condemning the unilateral US sanctions imposed against members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and violation of international norms as well as the United Nations Charter, Iranian envoy added, “Over the past decades, the United States has imposed a variety of sanctions on some NAM countries, even in dire condition of coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic and imposed devastating hardships on these countries.”

The United States has accelerated this process by imposing severe trade sanctions, financial restrictions, freezing assets, banning travel, and other measures aimed at undermining the will and independence of nations, most notably in the case of Iran over the past 40 year, he added.

Iran UN envoy emphasized the need to find better ways to take decisive measures against US pressure imposed on other countries.


News Code 176417

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