Tuesday, August 31, 2021

COVID-infected conservatives are being killed by their own 'industrial outrage complex': SE Cupp

On CNN Tuesday, conservative pundit S. E. Cupp weighed in on the recent reports of anti-vaccine right-wing talk radio hosts dying of COVID-19, including Tennessee's Phil Valentine and Florida's self-styled "Mr. Anti-Vax" Marc Bernier.

"Given this new trend in what we're seeing, is there any chance it could change minds?" asked anchor Kaitlan Collins. "Because we're hearing from Phil Valentine's brother saying, if he could tell you now to get it, he would."

"Look, you hope so," said Cupp. "I mean, these are anecdotal examples, but you hope they are jarring enough. I think this is a bigger problem, though, with right-wing media. You know, years ago I was asked to fill in for a right-wing radio host for a couple days. I did my job. I brought my strong opinions and passion and facts and was told after, by the station owner, that was great but you aren't outraged enough. I think the industrial outrage complex that's taken over right-wing media is corrosive. Outrage is all that matters."

"All of these guys you mentioned really, you know, took their characters seriously and wore their characters not just on the air, but when they got home, to the point that they refused a lifesaving vaccine in the midst of a global pandemic," said Cupp. "And look, even Trump wasn't that method. Trump got the vaccine eventually and is now getting booed at his own rallies for telling people to get it. But I think if you're a viewer or a listener and you are prone to these arguments, you are going to take these radio guys very seriously when really all they're doing is acting a part."

Watch below:
SE Cupp says right-wing talk radio hosts dying of COVID are victims of the "outrage machine"

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