Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Maxime Bernier says he won't take the COVID-19 vaccine
'We don't have to change our way of life because of a virus'

Author of the article:
Postmedia News
Michael Lee
Publishing date: Aug 03, 2021
People's Party Leader Maxime Bernier speaks at a rally in North Bay, Ont., Sunday afternoon. 

Stopping in North Bay this weekend as part of his northeastern Ontario tour, People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier took aim at “COVID-19 hysteria” and called on the crowd of about 100 people to speak in defence of their values.

Bernier served as the main speaker at the Sunday afternoon rally in Lee Park, hosted by the Northern Freedom Alliance, which has organized previous anti-lockdown rallies at the waterfront.

Decrying what he described as the “rapid” loss of freedoms and traditional western civilization values, Bernier said, “If we don’t reverse that trend we can all say goodbye to our way of life, to our freedoms, to our prosperity.”

The People’s Party leader criticized lockdowns and vaccine passports, calling the reaction to COVID-19 a “failed experiment.”

Bernier has not received a COVID-19 vaccine himself, and will not get one, saying he is not anti-vaccination but pro-freedom, adding as someone who is in shape and relatively younger his chances of survival are “99.95 per cent.

“COVID-19 is a real virus, it’s everywhere and it will be everywhere for a long time. We have to deal with it, we don’t have to change our way of life because of a virus,” he told reporters.

During my tours, I’m often asked if I’m vaccinated and what’s the PPC stance on taking the covid vaccine. Here’s the answer👇

— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) August 1, 2021

Last week in Timmins, Bernier said he was against vaccine passports. “They’re going to create two classes of citizens — ones who are vaccinated and ones who are not vaccinated I don’t want a society where some people can go to a baseball game, or a football game or a restaurant, and others can’t.


“We live in a free country. If you decide to have the vaccine or not, that’s your own private health information.”

During his speech in North Bay, Bernier criticized the “dysfunctional” United Nations for imposing its “socialist policies” through actions such as the Paris Agreement on climate change and Global Compact for Migration, saying he believes in sustainable, not mass, immigration unlike the other political parties.

“The only climate that we must change is the climate of the public opinion,” he said.

Bernier also pushed back against Bill C-36, something the Liberals argue will address online hate but which critics say will censor speech, and accused the Conservative Party of Canada of not being conservative anymore.

“But you can count on the PPC, you can count on us, we will never, never do any compromise with what we believe,” he said. “It’s too important for the future of our society.”

Bernier, a former cabinet minister in Stephen Harper’s government, founded the People’s Party in 2018 following his loss in the Conservative leadership race to now former leader Andrew Scheer in 2017.

The People’s Party would receive about 1.6 per cent of the popular vote nationally, winning no ridings. Bernier also would lose his seat in the Quebec riding of Beauce, which he had won four previous times for the Conservatives.

With a federal election potentially being held later this year, the party is looking to have a full slate of candidates across the country.

Speaking to reporters, Bernier said he intends on running again in his former riding and believes he will be able to win it back.

“We just need that voice to challenge the government, to be out there to use all the tools that we can have when you have a person elected in Parliament,” he said.

But while he hopes to become prime minister, Bernier said he is realistic and doesn’t believe that will happen after the next election.

“We are building a movement for the long term,” he said.

He also spoke about his arrest in Manitoba and charges under the Public Health Act for allegedly gathering at an outdoor public place and failing to self-isolate.

Bernier described the gathering as not a rally but an outdoor, socially distanced meeting with a local riding association, saying he will be back in Manitoba.

In a video taken of his arrest, a police officer asked Bernier if he had any weapons, to which he replied saying, “Only my words.”

“And yes, my words are my weapons and today, I want you to use your words like me,” Bernier told the crowd in North Bay.

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