Friday, August 20, 2021



More unvaccinated Americans blame vaccinated Americans

for the Delta surge than blame themselves

·West Coast Correspondent

More unvaccinated Americans blame vaccinated Americans for Delta’s devastating U.S. surge than blame themselves, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey of 1,649 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Aug. 16 to 18, found that just 6 percent of those who remain unvaccinated say they are the ones who deserve “the most blame for the new surge of COVID cases in the U.S.” The share who say vaccinated Americans deserve the most blame is slightly higher (7 percent).

Likewise, when asked “how much” blame each group deserves, just 9 percent of unvaccinated Americans say they themselves deserve a “great deal of blame.” Nearly twice as many (15 percent) say vaccinated Americans deserve a great deal of blame.

The fact that unvaccinated Americans say their vaccinated peers bear more responsibility for Delta’s spread flies in the face of data showing that it’s actually unvaccinated Americans who now account for a vast majority of new COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths — and it underscores just how difficult it will be to convince most unvaccinated Americans that they have a role to play in ending the pandemic.

Indeed, unvaccinated Americans tend to blame everyone but themselves for the Delta wave, with a full third saying the Biden administration (34 percent) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “and other public-health authorities” (33 percent) deserve a “great deal of blame” — nearly four times the share who say the same about themselves (again, 9 percent). Fewer (24 percent) place a great deal of blame on “Americans who refuse to wear masks and take other precautions.”

In stark contrast, nearly three-quarters of vaccinated Americans (71 percent) say unvaccinated Americans deserve a great deal of blame for Delta’s surge. Similar numbers say the same about Americans who refuse to wear masks and take other precautions (68 percent) and people who spread misinformation online and on TV (70 percent). But when asked to choose who deserves the “most blame,” the share of vaccinated Americans who say unvaccinated Americans (43 percent) dwarfs the share who say anti-maskers (26 percent) or misinformation peddlers (17 percent).

The widening divide between vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans couldn’t come at a more perilous moment, as the average number of new daily cases soars to more than 140,000 nationwide, new daily deaths top 1,000 for the first time since March and hot spots such as Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi set new hospitalization records nearly every day.

Overall, Americans recognize the danger of Delta, which is roughly twice as transmissible as the original version of the virus and can even be spread by vaccinated people. More than two-thirds (68 percent) say they are worried about the variant, and as a result, optimism about the U.S. pandemic has plummeted to a new low, with just 33 percent of Americans now maintaining that “the worst” of it is “behind us” and 38 percent predicting the worst is “yet to come.”

Notably, this represents the first time since Yahoo News and YouGov started asking the question in April that more Americans say the latter than the former. In May, 58 percent said the worst was behind us; just 15 percent said the worst was yet to come.

On a similar note, just 12 percent of Americans are now willing to say the pandemic is "over," down by almost half (from 21 percent) since June.

Behavior has changed in response. A full 55 percent of Americans now report wearing a mask outside their home “always” or “most of the time,” up 8 points over the last two weeks (and 12 points from a low of 43 percent in mid-July). Support for the CDC’s recent decision to recommend indoor masking in high-transmission areas has increased from 56 percent to 60 percent since the last Yahoo News/YouGov poll as well.

Yet even here, polarization is undermining progress. In mid-July, both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans reported regularly wearing masks at exactly the same rate (43 percent). But since then, mask wearing by the vaccinated has increased by 22 points (to 65 percent) while mask wearing by the unvaccinated has actually fallen (to 39 percent).

In other words, the people who need the most protection from catching and spreading the virus are, paradoxically, masking up even less often now than they were before Delta took off. Instead, it’s the least vulnerable Americans — those who are vaccinated — who have been responsible for all of the recent uptick in regular masking.

What makes these findings particularly jarring is that unvaccinated Americans are more likely than vaccinated Americans to have experienced the ravages of Delta firsthand. A full 29 percent of Americans say that over the last month, either they, a family member or a close friend was infected with COVID-19, up from 23 percent two weeks ago; 14 percent say that either they, a family member or a close friend was hospitalized due to COVID-19, up from 11 percent; and 11 percent say that a family member or a close friend died due to COVID-19, up from 9 percent.

Yet across the board, it’s unvaccinated Americans who have been more exposed to such fallout, with 39 percent saying that over the last month, they or someone they know well has been infected; 20 percent saying that either they or someone they know well has been hospitalized; and 15 percent saying that someone they know well has died. For vaccinated Americans, those numbers are significantly lower: 29 percent, 12 percent and 9 percent, respectively.

Regardless, just as in the last two Yahoo News/YouGov polls, more unvaccinated Americans continue to say that the COVID-19 vaccines (38 percent) pose a greater risk to their health than the virus (30 percent) — and about half (49 percent) continue to say they will “never” get vaccinated.

Another 25 percent say they are still “waiting to see what happens to others before deciding.”

A pharmacist administers a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine to a customer at a pharmacy in Livonia, Michigan on  Aug. 17, 2021. (Emily Elconin/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
A pharmacist in Livonia, Mich., administers a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine to a customer on Tuesday. (Emily Elconin/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


The Yahoo News survey was conducted by YouGov using a nationally representative sample of 1,649 U.S. adults interviewed online from Aug. 16 to 18, 2021. This sample was weighted according to gender, age, race and education based on the American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, as well as 2020 presidential vote (or non-vote) and voter registration status. Respondents were selected from YouGov’s opt-in panel to be representative of all U.S. adults. The margin of error is approximately 2.7 percent.


Poll shows fully vaccinated Canadians not sympathetic towards unvaccinated who catch COVID-19

Kaylyn Whibbs
CTV News Regina Video Journalist
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

REGINA -- The majority of new COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan have been confirmed in residents who are not fully vaccinated – and now a new poll shows that Canadians who have both shots don’t have a lot of sympathy for those who catch the virus after they decided to remain unvaccinated.

The province started reporting new cases broken down by vaccination status on Monday, detailing the number of COVID-19 cases seen in unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated residents.

Premier Scott Moe said he is hoping this new information helps demonstrate the vaccine is the most effective tool in getting to a place where we are able to live with COVID-19.

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“Ninety-three per cent of the cases that we had (on Monday) were people that were not yet fully vaccinated in this province, which really drives home the message of how effective these vaccines are,” said Moe.

Moe said the province can look forward to some “additional guidance” early next week as to how “we are going to live with COVID in our communities, and in our families across Saskatchewan and possibly some additional guidance with respect to some that are not yet eligible for vaccines, namely those under the age of 12.”


A recent poll by the Angus Reid Institute shows half of Canadians vaccinated against COVID-19 don’t have a lot of sympathy for unvaccinated people who catch the virus.

Results of the study showed 83 per cent of vaccinated Canadians had little to no sympathy for people who chose to not get vaccinated then caught COVID-19.

Dr. Gordon Pennycook, professor of behavioural science at the University of Regina, said this roots into people’s strong sense of personal responsibility, where if you have the opportunity to make a choice that not only affects you, but others in a more positive way.

“Part of the reason why people don’t feel sympathy, I think, for people who won’t get vaccinated against COVID is because they aren’t really viewing them as part of their own tribe, which is unfortunate I think because we are all a part of the same society,” said Pennycook.

He said this same responsibly is what leads people to wear masks indoors despite mandates being lifted, and continue to sanitize their hands.

The study found 35 per cent of people surveyed in Saskatchewan said the have never worn a mask indoors or when they are not able to keep a distance from others in the past week.

Twenty-four per cent said they always do, while 22 per cent said they do most of the time and 19 per cent said only sometimes.

In terms of encouraging people to get vaccinated, 37 per cent of the 126 Saskatchewan residents surveyed said the provincial government should do nothing to encourage vaccination.

While 33 per cent said they would like to see provincial regulations put in place, like mandatory vaccines in public places, to make life more difficult for unvaccinated people.

Six per cent of Saskatchewan residents surveyed said they would like to see incentives, such as lotteries and prizes, to encourage people and the remaining 24 per cent said they would like to see a combination of both.

Pennycook said incentives would only work for people on the fence, as strong opinions are difficult to change, even if they are forced to get vaccinated.

“There are people who are really hesitant they’re not going to feel good about having to do something they don’t want to do,” he said.

Moe said about 300,000 eligible Saskatchewanians make up the province’s unvaccinated population, and more people need to continue to get vaccinated as we move forward.

“I would hope that you would come to the conclusion that the best way for you to protect yourself, to protect your family and to protect those that are not yet eligible for a vaccine is to go out and get those two doses as soon as you’re able,” said Moe.

The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from Aug. 7 to 10, 2021 among a representative randomized sample of 1,615 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum. For comparison purposes only, a probability sample of this size would carry a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. Discrepancies in or between totals are due to rounding. The survey was self-commissioned and paid for by ARI.

A medical professional administers a booster shot for the coronavirus vaccine, at Clalit Health Services, one of Israel's health maintenance organizations, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

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