Tuesday, August 17, 2021

New island discovered south of Tokyo after submarine volcano erupts

A new island has been discovered near Iwoto Island located around 1,200 kilometers south of Tokyo after a submarine volcano began erupting late last week, the Japan Coast Guard said Monday.

The new island is C-shaped, with a diameter of approximately one kilometer. It was discovered after the volcano some 50 km south of Iwoto in the Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific Ocean started erupting on Friday.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued warnings about smoke and large ash deposits in nearby waters as an active eruption is expected to continue.

The coast guard found the newly formed island when it observed the eruption from the air on Sunday, according to the weather agency. Pumice created by the volcanic activity was also found by the coast guard floating across a 60-km area in a northwest direction.

Given the location, however, the new island is unlikely to affect the country's territorial waters or exclusive economic zone even if it remains above the surface.

Japan Today


Underwater Fukutoku-Okanoba volcano erupts strongly off Japan

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported that a submarine eruption occurred at Fukutoku-Okanoba volcano at 06:20 local time on August 13, 2021. The eruption is still ongoing…

The eruptive plume of white vapor is being hit by lightning bolts caused by the friction of the pyroclasts expelled at high speed.

Fukutoku-Okanoba is a submarine volcano 5 km NE of the small pyramidal island Minami-iwo-jima in the Japanese Volcano Island chain.

Its summit is just 14 meters (46 feet) below sea level. Its last major eruption was in early February 2010. - PropheticWorship Gathering



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