Friday, August 06, 2021

Thursday's letters: Show the science for dropping restrictions

Edmonton Journal 

Dr. Hinshaw and the UCP suggest elimination of all restrictions for COVID are based on science and data. Perhaps they could provide that science and data for us fools that are so ill-informed. I see rising case rates and increasing R values. Not that reassuring.

© Provided by Edmonton Journal Alberta chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw gives a COVID-19 pandemic update from the media room at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton, on Wednesday, July 28, 2021.

Delta variant predominant — more virulent, perhaps more deadly, reported increased viral load in fully vaccinated. No answer here but still worrisome. No testing program — better not to know the incidence and spread.

No required isolation mandate — OK for the infected person to share public transport or sit at the next table in a restaurant. No masks or social distancing — the unvaccinated students are free to share the virus with fellow students or bring it home. U.S. rates skyrocketing.

Maybe I am not that smart. Show me the science and data.

Larry Hunka, Edmonton

Hinshaw pressured on COVID protocols?

From hero to zero in one afternoon! Dr. Deena Hinshaw, who has given Albertans the strength, guidance, and confidence to get through three waves of the pandemic, has just signed the death sentence for many Albertans by recommending all restrictions be removed. And just at a time when infections are on the rise and the Center for Disease Control is introducing stricter mask mandates.

Although we all heard her give the recommendation, I just cannot believe it was her recommendation but rather given by acquiescence to political pressure. The minister of health must have just returned from a trip to Florida, either meeting with their governor who is in total denial, or visiting Fantasyland.

But don’t worry, Premier Kenney is outraged. Not at this ridiculous policy change but with the federal government over Senate choices. Unreal!

Don Davidson, Edmonton

Stop moving COVID goalposts

From the start of the pandemic, I followed government guidelines. When asked to vaccinate, we both did. Even though we are both double-vaccinated, we are still told to mask up for public events. Now the goal posts are moving again due to some sort of COVID variant. I’m sure I speak not only for myself when I say, enough is enough. The health community needs to adopt a coherent and consistent strategy to get us there.

John Trusz, Edmonton

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