Tuesday, August 31, 2021

US may use drone strikes to destroy billions of dollars worth of military hardware left in Afghanistan

As the final troops prepare to leave Kabul, US defence officials do not believe the aircraft, vehicles and ammunition left behind pose a threat to the US or its allies
A Taliban Badri fighter stands guard on Humvee vehicle at the main entrance gate of Kabul airport (Photo: Wakil Koshar/Getty)

By David Parsley
August 30, 2021 7:28 pm(Updated August 31, 2021 9:41 am)

The US may use drone strikes in Afghanistan to destroy military hardware left behind during its evacuation of Kabul in order to prevent the Taliban from using it or selling it to terrorist groups and rogue nations.

A US defence source has told i that the Pentagon “hasn’t ruled out the possibility” of bombing equipment worth billions of dollars – such as Black Hawk helicopters, light attack aircraft, armoured transport vehicles, and more than 3,000 Humvees – in order to ensure they are inoperable.

The Afghan Air Force was operating 167 aircraft at the end of June, according to a report by the US-based Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. However, many are believed to have been decommissioned and rendered redundant in the lead-up to the evacuation deadline for US troops.

The US Department of Defense (DoD) declined to comment on the likelihood of drone strikes to destroy the abandoned military kit.

A spokesman for the DoD said: “I’m not going to speak to what the ultimate disposition of this equipment may be.”

However, he added the US was not concerned the hardware poses a threat to western nations that formed the coalition in Afghanistan.

He told i: “We are aware there is likely a large amount of equipment provided to Afghan forces now in Taliban hands. We are not concerned with the loss of any significant technological or sensitive capability – the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces were not provided with these kinds of capabilities.

“While seizing this equipment may be beneficial to the Taliban, it does not represent a threat to the US, allies or partners”.

US Defence experts also suggested the Taliban will not have the expertise to maintain any of the aircraft for long.

Professor Michael Desch, from the International Security Center at the University of Notre Dame, told i that the US had sent around $90bn (£65.40bn) of hardware into Afghanistan in the last 20 years, but much of that would have been on expendables “like boots, bullets, and beans”.

“The US has dumped a lot of money, along with our Nato allies, into equipping the Afghan security forces,” said Professor Desch, who has previously held roles in the Department of State. “The best estimate I’ve seen is somewhere around $90bn over the years.”

As for the aircraft and military vehicles, Professor Desch believes they will not be of use to the Taliban in the long term.

He said: “Maybe they can go for a joy ride once or twice, but if you know anything about the maintenance that it takes to keep a Black Hawk or a Chinook helicopter air worthy, you almost don’t need the waste the hellfire missile from a drone on it because these things will very quickly become junk.”

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Sharon Weiner, an associate professor in the School of International Service at the American University in Washington DC, added: “Anything that has fairly significant technology does not work well in dusty environments like Afghanistan.

“It needs to be repaired or at least maintained fairly frequently. Even in better environments, the equipment requires a lot of maintenance. That requires spare parts and technicians, neither of which the Taliban has.”

The final US soldiers are expected to leave Kabul airport on Tuesday with around 1,500 US citizens expected to be left behind.

The Biden administration has said it expects the new Taliban Government to allow them to leave the country and return to the US via border crossings.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) will comment on how much military hardware the UK had left in Afghanistan following the departure of its final troops on Thursday.

A spokeswoman for the MoD said: “As part of our withdrawal we have been recovering equipment but at all times have prioritised the safe evacuation of people over equipment.

“We have left humanitarian supplies, such as water, food and sanitisation and will be able to provide a further update in due course.”

'Not a great day for America's service dogs': US military abandoned dozens of K-9s alongside planes, Chinooks and Humvees worth BILLIONS in scramble to leave Kabul

American Humane said working dogs will likely face 'torture' by the Taliban, condemned the 'death sentence'

The organization called on Congress to load the dogs onto available cargo space for evacuation from Kabul

US has also left up to 200 civilians and 'demilitarised' equipment in city, with Taliban pictured with hardware


PUBLISHED: 08:28 EDT, 31 August 2021

Dozens of contracted working dogs have been abandoned by the US in Afghanistan, along with up to 200 civilians and military equipment, according to an animal charity.

The animal welfare group condemned the 'death sentence' for the animals who now face 'torture' at the hands of the Taliban, who took control of the city earlier this month.

American Humane has called on Congress to rescue the purpose-trained dogs who perform a wide range of duties and work alongside military dogs.

The news of the abandoned animals comes as the Taliban celebrated the full withdrawal of U.S. and western forces from Afghanistan after almost 20 years of occupation in the country.

Tuesday saw coffins draped with the US, UK and French flag as well as NATO's insignia were paraded through the streets of Khost by crowds flying the Taliban's emblem.

It comes after celebratory scenes in Kabul overnight, where fireworks exploded and gunfire rattled through the air moments after the final US jet departed.


Dozens of contracted working dogs have been abandoned by the US in Afghanistan after the troop withdrawal

Afghan Air Force's A-29 attack aircraft and armoured vests are left on the ground inside a hangar at the airport in Kabul

American Humane's CEO Robin R. Ganzert said in a statement: 'I am devastated by reports that the American government is pulling out of Kabul and leaving behind brave US military contract working dogs to be tortured and killed at the hand of our enemies.

'These brave dogs do the same dangerous, lifesaving work as our military working dogs, and deserved a far better fate than the one to which they have been condemned.

'This senseless fate is made all the more tragic, as American Humane stands ready to not only help transport these contract K-9 soldiers to US soil but also to provide for their lifetime medical care.'

American Humane has worked with the military for more than a century to rescue stranded military animals, having previously worked in World War One.

Contract working dogs are normally owned by private contractors to work alongside military dogs who are owned by the Department of Defense, often performing similar duties.

Ganzert added: 'As the country's first national humane organization and largest certifier of animal welfare in the world, it sickens us to sit idly by and watch these brave dogs who valiantly served our country be put to death or worse.

'In order to prevent this tragedy from occurring, these K-9's should be loaded into whatever cargo space remains and flown to safety. Irrespective of the outcome, this gross oversight of justice must be stopped from happening again, as it did in Vietnam too.

'To that end, we call on Congress to take action to classify contract working dogs on the same level as military working dogs. Failure to do anything less, is a failure of humanity and a condemnation of us all.'

Sharing photos of dogs in cages stranded in Kabul, one person commented: 'Not a great day for America's service dogs that are still in the airport.'

The news that U.S. service dogs were left behind contrasts with the UK's evacuation efforts, which saw almost 200 rescue dogs and cats saved from Kabul, along with a former Royal Marine Paul 'Pen' Farthing, who founded an animal rescue charity while in Afghanistan.

Mr Farthing's campaign to get his animals to safety became hugely topical in Britain over the past fortnight, with some arguing that the choice to rescue the animals resulted in resources that could have been used to evacuate more people being occupied.

The veteran has said he is still working to help evacuate 68 Nowzad animal shelter staff and family members, including 25 children and one new-born baby, from Afghanistan as part of his Operation Ark campaign.
Taliban deliver speech to Badri army on airport runway after US depart

The US has also abandoned as much as 70 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, 27 Humvees and 73 aircraft in Afghanistan

Taliban fighters sit in the cockpit of an Afghan Air Force aircraft at the airport in Kabul in the hours following the US departure

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid (centre) spaks to the media in the shadow of a plane which the terror group have seized

Badri 313 units post for the cameras at Kabul airport today, carrying American-made rifles and wearing US military gear

'Latest addition to the Taliban airforce': warplanes left for Taliban

Along with the dogs, there are up to 200 US citizens still in Afghanistan after the US withdrew its final troops, bringing an end to the 20-year campaign.

Critics slammed Biden for breaking his promise to stay until all citizens were airlifted to safety after he pulled out the last forces 24 hours before the August 31 deadline.

The US has also abandoned as much as 70 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, 27 Humvees and 73 aircraft in Afghanistan, although much of the equipment has been disabled.

General Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said the aircraft were 'demilitarised,' or rendered useless, before American troops wrapped up the two-week evacuation.

He said the Pentagon, which built up a force of nearly 6,000 troops to occupy and operate Kabul's airport when the airlift began on August 14, left behind around 70 MRAP armoured tactical vehicles - which can cost up to $1 million a piece - that it disabled before leaving, and 27 Humvees.

Before the last US troops left, they disabled scores of aircraft and armoured vehicles - as well as a high-tech rocket defence system - at the airport, a US general said.

Cockpit windows had been shattered, instrument panels smashed, and aircraft tyres shot out.

The US also left behind but disabled the C-RAM system - counter rocket, artillery, and mortar - that was used to protect the airport from rocket attacks.

The system helped fend off a five-rocket barrage from the jihadist Islamic State group on Monday.


Taliban fighters stand guard at the Hamid Karzai International Airport after US troops departed following a 20-year campaign in Afghanistan


The XVIII Airborne Corps released an image Monday of the last U.S. soldier to leave Afghanistan – Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division

Amid the celebratory scenes in Afghanistan - and surrounded by Taliban special forces units dressed head to toe in American gear - spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid hailed the 'victory' over western forces.

'It is an historical day and an historical moment.... we liberated our country from a great power,' he added, saying the last 20 years should serve as a 'big lesson for other invaders [and] a lesson for the world.'

Calling the day a 'big lesson for other invaders and for our future generation,' he then told gathered journalists: 'It is an historical day and an historical moment. We are proud of these moments, that we liberated our country from a great power'.

Hundreds of American and British citizens were left behind when the last US evacuation plane took off late Monday, along with thousands of Afghans who helped western troops on a promise of sanctuary that was ultimately broken. Many now fear for their lives.

Mujahid insisted today that Taliban security forces will be 'pleasant and nice' to those left behind, despite reports already emerging of summary executions and persecution against women reminiscent of the Taliban of old.


A Taliban fighter takes a picture of a damaged MD 530 helicopter that was abandoned at Kabul airport by retreating troops


An American MRAP vehicle is pictured at Kabul airport alongside other armoured vehicles after falling into Taliban hands


A Russian Mi-17 helicopter is pictured alongside Taliban fighters after it was seized from retreating western troops


Taliban fighters inspect a US Humvee at the airport in Kabul, after seizing a huge number of vehicles from western forces

Meanwhile at Bagram air base, the former stronghold of western forces, its new Taliban commander was boasting of having 'beaten' America using little more than Kalashnikov rifles while saying the airfield will now be 'a base for jihad for all Muslims'.

Speaking to The Times, 35-year-old Maulawi Hafiz Mohibullah Muktaz said: 'Never in our wildest dreams could we have believed we could beat a superpower like America with just our Kalashnikovs.

'When you do jihad all doors open, we defeated America with our faith and our guns and we hope now that Bagram can be a base for jihad for all Muslims

'For any foreign power considering attacking Afghanistan then look at Bagram now and learn your lesson well before embarking on foolish endeavour. See the West's mighty technology humbled here by mujahidin.

'In 15 years as a mujahid fighting the Americans I wondered often if I may fail or die. Yet here is proof of the power of faith and God and jihad. On the back of victory I hope we can use Bagram as a place to spread jihad further into the region and Muslim world.'

Reflecting on America's withdrawal from the other side of the conflict, General McKenzie said on Monday night: 'There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure.

'We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. But I think if we'd stayed another 10 days, we wouldn't have gotten everybody out,' he insisted.

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