Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Percentage of Americans who say they won't get vaccinated drops to record low in new poll

- 08/31/21 

The percentage of Americans who say they will never get vaccinated against the coronavirus has dropped to a new low, according to a new poll.

The Axios-Ipsos poll published on Tuesday found 20 percent of Americans said they either are not very likely or not likely at all to receive a vaccine. That represents a new low in the survey and is down from a combined 34 percent in March and 23 percent two weeks ago, Axios noted.

The factors driving down vaccine hesitancy, the survey found, were a surge in delta variant cases, the return of children to schools in recent days and the Food and Drug Administration's granting of full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine earlier this month.

"Schools, organizations, companies, governments implementing mandates are forcing people to deal with them," Cliff Young of Ipsos said in an analysis published with the survey's results. "That's what going on."

Overall, 68 percent of Americans with K-12 children said they have either already vaccinated their children or are likely to do so as soon as it's approved for their age group. That represents a new high in the poll, up double digits from 56 percent from the middle of July.

A total of 19 percent also indicated their employers are mandating vaccines, a slight increase from 16 percent two weeks ago.

The poll was conducted Aug. 27-30 among 1,071 respondents. It has a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points.

More K-12 parents lean toward mask mandates than oppose them: Gallup

BY LEXI LONAS - 08/31/21 

More K-12 parents support mask mandates in schools than oppose them, but support for mask mandates fails to reach a majority level, according to a new Gallup poll.

The poll shows 48 percent of parents believe students should have to wear masks regardless of vaccination status while 41 percent say no student should have to wear a mask.

Only 11 percent of K-12 parents believe only unvaccinated students should have to wear the masks.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask while indoors.

Mask mandates in schools have led to numerous fights across states and in courts with some parents battling against Republican governors who have banned mask mandates and some Democratic governors who have required masks in all schools regardless of their COVID-19 status.

Mask mandates also fail to reach a majority of support among parents for teachers and staff in schools.

The poll shows 48 percent of parents believe teachers and staff members should have to wear a mask and 38 percent say there should be no mask mandate for teachers.

Mask mandates for only unvaccinated teachers are supported among 13 percent of parents.

The poll shows vaccinations have risen in those above the age of 16 and above the age of 12 in the last month.

The poll comes as delta variant cases have caused spikes in states around the country and many students have had to quarantine after the first week of classes due to exposure to the virus.

However, it is shown that children have a lower death and hospitalization rate than other age groups from the virus.

K-12 parents were shown to be less concerned about people choosing not to get vaccinated than the general public with 51 percent of parents and 60 percent of the general public worried about individuals not getting vaccinated.

The poll shows 48 percent of parents are not worried and 37 percent are “not worried at all” about people in their local area not getting the vaccine.

The poll was conducted between Aug. 16-Aug. 22 with 674 parents surveyed. The margin of error is plus or minus five percentage points.

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