Tuesday, August 31, 2021

WWE fans convinced Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax had a real fight during match on RAW, Mick Foley reacts: ‘WTF?’

Alex McCarthy
31st August 2021, 

Professional wrestling doesn’t always go according to plan and that was certainly the case with Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax on Monday Night Raw.

The women met in a non-title match last night and Twitter has been lit up with clips from the match that featured a series of obvious and, in most cases, painful errors.

Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax traded some stiff blows

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley is more qualified than the fans to know what was going on in that matchup and even he was bemused.
Foley tweeted: “Just wondering…WTF was up with that #CharlotteVsNia match?”

As you can see from the clips below, the ladies were not on the same page.

A moonsault from Flair to the outside saw a waiting Jax eat a boot to the head. Whether Jax should have been closer in order to ‘base’ for Flair – which essentially means break her fall – isn’t clear.

Jax also went to land a shoulder breaker on the RAW Women’s champion, but ended up dropping Flair on her head.

With both women failing to get on the same page, things broke down in the middle of the match where they started just slapping each other about and it looked extremely messy.

Fans on Twitter believed that Flair and Jax might really have gotten into it:

Charlotte then tried to run the ropes and presumably get into the next spot, but Jax held her in the Samaon Drop position and clearly neither woman really knew what was going to happen next.

Eventually, Jax got the win over the champion – which is annoying in and of itself, but a trademark WWE habit at this point – and it seems to suggest she’s in line to face Flair for the title.

It’s hard to know exactly what happened here and it’s unlikely either woman will make a comment on it.

The struggle between Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax appeared real

Nia Jax would pick up the victory over the champion

Chances are things just didn’t click in the ring on the night. If there are to be more Jax and Flair matches, it will be interesting to see what direction they go in and if indeed that will remain the plan.

Alexa Bliss is also feuding with Flair at the moment with an eye on the title, so they could pivot away with Jax if needed.

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