Friday, September 17, 2021


The Magician card.

Card: Magician

Artist Reina iris

Art direction thiha

Country Myanmar


Zawgyi are legendary semi-immortal beings believed to be both mystics and alchemists. They figure prominently in the mythology and folklore of the Myanmar people. The word is believed to be derived from the Indian word “yogi” and similarly the Zawgyi is credited with many supernatural talents.

The reason for their red appearance is attributed to mercury; from the anatomy of an ordinary human being, they transformed into a Zawgyi. As a Zawgyi, they are believed to have 5 supernatural powers – the ability to fly, travel beneath the earth and oceans, perform various forms of divination, necromancy and resurrection as well.

Legend have them living alone in an invisible mythical forest set deep in Himalaya Mountains. Here, the Zawgi forage herbs for magical purposes. After an ardous and extensive search, they obtain the mythical Philosopher's stone and thus gain the status of  Zawgyi.

To satisfy their desires, it is said that by touching the Nariphon (Tuyaung Fruit Trees) with their magical wands, they are able to bring to life illusory females" (Thuyaung-mèý) as these trees will bear female-shaped fruits. They spend their lives searching for various herbs to treat pain, suffering, illness, and other forms of ailments brought on by magical spells.

The magic wands are used primarily to grind the medicinal herbs and roots, although these wands also double up as walking sticks, especially in negotiating very rugged footpaths.

The Zawgyi Dance reproduces many aspects of the legend; the red clothing, the magical wand, the journey through the forest among other significant characteristics.


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