Sunday, September 19, 2021

Maxime Bernier attends Calgary ‘freedom rally’ in last weekend of federal campaign

Police estimate around 1,000 people packed Central Memorial Park in Calgary on Saturday for an anti-vaccine mandate rally attended by People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier.


© Carolyn Kury de Castillo/Global News
Maxime Bernier attends Calgary ‘freedom rally’ in last weekend of federal campaign

The anger of the crowd was directed in equal parts at federal and provincial governments over COVID-19 restrictions.

Some of those in attendance were former Conservative Party of Canada voters who have found a new home with the People's Party of Canada.

Read more: Maxime Bernier visits southern Alberta during tour for People’s Party of Canada

"Everything he said was exactly what I'm looking for -- being a parent, a business owner and a grandparent," said Susanne Muller, a Calgary hair salon owner.

"We need our rights and we need our freedoms. We have all these other political leaders that seem to be following the same platform and he has a different platform."

Carol Grant works in the oil and gas industry. She came to hear Bernier speak at the rally.

"His platform is very important to me because he's pro-pipeline. He wants to fix the equalization formula. He wants to get rid of the carbon tax. He's all about freedom of choice," Grant said.

Hundreds protest COVID-19 mandates at ‘freedom rally’ in Edmonton Saturday

by News Staff
POSTED SEP 18, 2021 

Hundreds gather for a freedom rally in Edmonton on Sept. 18, 2021. (Credit: CityNews staff)

EDMONTON (CityNews) ─ A few hundred protesters gathered outside the Alberta legislature Saturday afternoon for what organizers called a “freedom rally” in opposition of COVID-19 health measures.

About 400 Edmontonians attended the “World Wide Rally for Freedom” − one of several planned demonstrations across Canada and the world.

Protesters waved Canadian flags and held signs voicing their displeasure with various public-health measures.

One of the handmade signs read “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.” Another read “Don’t Believe the Fake News,” echoing a sentiment often shared by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

A scattering of purple People’s Party of Canada election posters could be seen throughout the crowd. The federal party led by Maxime Bernier has become associated with the anti-mandate movement.

Other Canadian cities said to be hosting their own rallies − according to posters on the organizers’ website − were Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and many more.

Protests opposing COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine passports, curfews and other measures designed to curb the spread of the virus have become somewhat commonplace during the federal election

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