Thursday, October 28, 2021

Abbas: Construction in Judea and Samaria thwarts two-state solution

PA chairman condemns construction in "settlements" and sees them as a unilateral step that will destroy the two-state solution.

Dalit Halevi , Oct 28 , 2021

Gantz, Abbas and Bennett
Reuters and Flash 90

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ office on Wednesday condemned the Israeli government's approval of the construction of 3,144 housing units in communities in Judea and Samaria.

In a statement, Abbas’ bureau said that the unilateral measures taken by the Israeli government cause the destruction of the two-state solution and constitute a defiance of the Security Council and a disregard for the political efforts of the US administration.

Turning directly to the US administration, the PA chairman’s office asked it to implement the administration's commitments regarding opposition to settlements and unilateral measures by Israel.

The steps taken by Israel, said the statement, require a decisive stance by the international community against Israel "which seeks to steal Palestinian land and pushes the situation towards instability and tensions that will be negatively reflected on everything."

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