Monday, October 25, 2021

New Zealand TV report exposes Boris Johnson's shoddy trade deal

Jacinda Ardern has described her deal with Boris Johnson as 'win-win' – but British farmers don't see it that way

BORIS Johnson claimed it was a “a fantastic week for Global Britain” as he signed a new trade deal with New Zealand.

The latest post-Brexit agreement cuts tariffs on exports between the UK and New Zealand, meaning dairy products and red meat will be easier to export to Britain.

But much like the Tory leader’s much vaunted deal with Australia, farmers here say they’re being well and truly ripped off.

That much was made clear in a TV report from Newshub, a current affairs programme which airs on New Zealand’s channel Three.

Despite being hailed as “hugely exciting” by Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and described as a win-win by Jacinda Ardern, farmers in the UK told Kiwi reporters that they feel like “sacrificial lambs of the free trade deal”.

“The UK’s less intensive approach to farming means they could quickly be outpriced and outstocked by New Zealand’s once tariffs are removed,” the Newshub correspondent explains.

Liz Webster, of campaign group Save British Farming, told the reporter: “It’s us surrendering to you New Zealand and giving you a great deal and we’re getting nothing out of it.”

You can watch the full report here.

The Scottish Government, meanwhile, says it wasn’t consulted at all during the 16 months of negotiations with New Zealand.

A spokesperson said: “Any deal with New Zealand will not remotely offset the damage to our economy caused by Brexit.

"Even the UK Government's own scoping assessment published last year said a deal with New Zealand would result in zero increase in GDP and that the agriculture and semi-processed food sectors would be likely to lose out.

"Aside from the economic arguments of seeking new deals with markets thousands of miles away while putting up barriers to trade with our European neighbours, the climate change implications of long-distance trade must also be considered."

If this was a good week for “Global Britain”, we’d hate to see a bad one.

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