Tuesday, October 26, 2021

‘One of the Clearest UFO Sightings’ Ever, Says The Sun of This Video from Chicago

By Caleb Howe
Oct 23rd, 2021, 

British tabloid The Sun shared a video on Twitter Saturday featuring footage caught and widely publicized earlier in October over Chicago, Illinois, calling it “one of the clearest UFO sightings we’ve ever seen.”

The video has been making rounds on various websites and publications for a few weeks, but The Sun’s latest tweet on the subject picked up steam pretty fast, for its presentation and for those of us who missed it the first time around.

In the intervening weeks since the incident no official explanation has been made, although there have been plenty of theories offered, from balloons to a kite and more.

It’s cool, if brief, footage, but the dramatic flair added by The Sun really gives it that October feel, don’t you think?

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