Saturday, November 06, 2021

3 Palestinians injured in yet another attack by Israeli settlers

Israeli occupation soldiers stand by as masked Israeli settlers throw stones at Palestinian civilians near the Palestinian village of Turmusaya, north of Ramallah in the West Bank, October 2019. (Credit: AFP)

NABLUS, Saturday, November 6, 2021 (WAFA) – Three Palestinians sustained fractures and bruises today in a fresh attack by hardcore Israeli settlers on the village of Burin, to the south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

Rateb Jabour, an official in charge of monitoring Israeli settlement activities in the area, said a group of Israeli settlers who apparently came from the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Yitzhar attacked homes of Palestinians on the outskirts of the village and assaulted local residents, causing fractures to a local Palestinian citizen, who was identified as Adel Eid. Another two Palestinians sustained bruises as a result of the attack.

Clashes erupted between local Palestinians and the Israeli occupation army in the village in the aftermath of the attack.

The settlement of Yitzhar is notorious for its hardcore Jewish settler community who in the past years carried out dozens of attacks against Palestinians and their property, including arsons, stone-throwing, uprooting of crops and olive trees, attacks on vulnerable homes, among others.

Settler violence and vandalism in the occupied territories is almost a daily occurrence, and attacks by settlers are rarely prosecuted by Israeli occupation authorities.

Over 500,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.



Settlers filmed throwing stones at Palestinian house, as IDF soldiers stand by

2 Palestinians said injured; in separate incident, settlers enter Palestinian playground in West Bank hamlet of Susiya before being expelled by Israeli forces

An Israeli soldier stands by as Israeli settlers enter a Palestinian playground in Susiya, a Palestinian hamlet in the West Bank, on Saturday, November 6, 2021 (Credit: Guy Butuvia)
An Israeli soldier stands by as Israeli settlers enter a Palestinian playground in Susiya, a Palestinian hamlet in the West Bank, on Saturday, November 6, 2021 (Credit: Guy Butuvia)

Masked Israeli settlers were filmed throwing stones at a Palestinian home near Burin in the central West Bank on Saturday, while Israeli soldiers on the scene appeared to stand idly by.

According to the Yesh Din rights group, which tracks settler violence against Palestinians, two Palestinian residents of Burin were injured by the stone-throwing.

“The attack itself lasted about a quarter of an hour, during which more residents from Burin arrived to help the family members defend themselves. At this point, the soldiers fired tear gas grenades at the Palestinians,” Yesh Din reported.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, only a few soldiers initially arrived on the scene, which the army called a clash between Palestinians and the settlers. The unit then waited for backup, including a senior commander, according to the IDF.

“When all the forces arrived at the scene, the confrontation was dispersed,” a military spokesperson said.

There were no arrests.

The Yesh Din watchdog has reported 37 incidents of settler violence since the beginning of the olive harvest. Around nine involved direct attacks by settlers against Palestinian farmers, the rights group said.

In a separate incident, dozens of Israeli settlers entered a playground inside the Palestinian hamlet of Susiya in the South Hebron Hills. According to left-wing Israeli activists on the scene, the settlers expelled Palestinian children who were in the playground.

In videos from the scene, the settlers can be seen milling about in the playground, surrounded by the army, with little evidence of a struggle. The settlers reportedly remained in the playground for around a half hour before police officers dispersed them.

The Israeli army said that the settlers entered the playground as part of a “confrontation” in the area. The army said the clips were “not reflective of how the incident unfolded.”

“The confrontation spilled over towards the village…  where the settlers entered a local playground. Israeli military, Border Police and Israeli police forces separated the sides and removed the settlers from the area in question,” an Israeli military spokesperson said.

Israeli settlers enters a Palestinian playground in Susiya, a Palestinian hamlet in the West Bank, on Saturday, November 6, 2021 (Credit: Guy Butuvia)

Meretz parliamentarian Mossi Raz sent an urgent petition asking Defense Minister Benny Gantz to investigate both incidents.

“Settler violence reaches new heights in its quantity and cruelty, while Israel Defense Force soldiers stand by and support this behavior,” Raz said in a tweet.

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