Saturday, November 13, 2021

Anti-coup rallies in Sudan turn deadly as soldiers open fire

Issued on: 13/11/2021 - 

Protesters carry a banner and national flags as they march against the Sudanese military's recent seizure of power and ousting of the civilian government, in the streets of the capital Khartoum, Sudan October 30, 2021
© Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah, AFP

Sudanese security forces killed at least five protesters during mass rallies on Saturday against last month's military coup, medics said.

The pro-democracy protests come nearly three weeks after top general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan ousted the government, detained the civilian leadership and declared a state of emergency.

"Two more people were killed including an 18-year-old ... and one 35-year-old ... by bullets of the putschist military council," the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors said.

Earlier, the committee had said that three other protesters were killed during Saturday's rallies.

An AFP correspondent reported hearing the sound of gunfire as well at a protest in east Khartoum.

Tear gas was also fired at many protests in Khartoum and neighbouring cities as security forces sought to disperse the demonstrations, witnesses and an AFP correspondent there said.

"No, no to military rule", "Civilian (rule) is the people's choice", and "Down with the entire council", the protesters in southern Khartoum shouted.

Thousands rallied nationwide, with protests taking place in the cities of Atbara, Wad Madani as well as in the central state of North Kordofan and in Port Sudan city and Kassala state, witnesses said.

In Khartoum, agricultural islet of Tuti to continue the resistance against military coup


The military's October 25 takeover drew widespread international condemnation, as did a deadly crackdown on street demonstrations by people demanding it restore the country's democratic transition.

Any hopes the demonstrators had that the military would back down were dashed Thursday, when Burhan named himself as the head of a new ruling Sovereign Council that excludes the country's main civilian bloc, triggering more condemnation from the West.

Call for restraint

The protests occurred despite the heavy presence of military, police and paramilitary forces in Khartoum, where bridges connecting the capital to neighbouring cities were sealed off, AFP correspondents reported.

The security forces also blocked roads in Khartoum leading to the army headquarters, the site of a 2019 mass sit-in that led to the ouster of autocratic president Omar al-Bashir.

The United Nations has called on the security forces to refrain from violence, which since the coup has already left dead at least 16 people, according to an independent union of medics.

"I once again call upon the security forces to exercise utmost restraint and respect the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression," said UN Special Representative for Sudan Volker Perthes.

Saturday's demonstrations have largely been organised by informal groups known as "resistance committees", which emerged during the 2019 anti-Bashir demonstrations.

The committees have called for multiple protests since the coup and mobilised crowds via text messages as Sudan has largely remained under a rigorous internet outage with phone lines intermittently disrupted.

Demonstrators also blocked roads with brick as they have done at previous rallies.

But despite the efforts, "civilian opposition to the coup has been diffuse and fragmented", International Crisis Group analyst Jonas Horner has said.

The coup has led to punitive measures by the international community disturbed by the turn away from a transition to full civilian rule.

(FRANCE 24 with AFP)

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