Thursday, November 25, 2021

Britain's military clarifies reports about possible closure of Alberta training base

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Britain’s Ministry of Defence says it will not be shutting down its southern Alberta training base.

A report published in The Telegraph said the British military’s training bases at CFB Suffield and CFB Wainwright would be shut down and moved to the Middle East.

However in a tweet, the Ministry of Defence denied the reports about CFB Suffield.


“Canada is one of the UK’s oldest and closest allies,” reads the tweet. “Contrary to reports today, we are not closing BATUS (British Army Training Unit Suffield).

“It will continue to be a vital training base for the British Army.”

The tweet makes no mention of the army’s second, smaller Alberta training base at CFB Wainwright, which is near Edmonton.

Britain’s defence secretary Ben Wallace told a British news website that while BATUS is not closing, the activities that happen there will change.

“Of course, we’ll change what we do there because some of those forces we might use elsewhere but no we’re not closing BATUS,” he told .


Area residents are likely to be particularly sensitive to fires on the base because a fire spread from CFB Suffield in September 2017 and burned about 90,000 acres of grassland, killed 160 cattle and forced some residents in its path to flee their homes.

Suffield Base Canada's Area 51: plawiuk — LiveJournal

Suffield Base in Alberta is the largest chemical biological weapons research centre in North America, and one of only three NATO CBW research projects world ...

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