Wednesday, November 10, 2021


More parents demand HEPA filters in classrooms as cases increase for young children

Amanda Hu has been advocating for HEPA filters in CBE classrooms in Calgary. Photo taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.
Amanda Hu has been advocating for HEPA filters in CBE classrooms in Calgary. Photo taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. PHOTO BY DARREN MAKOWICHUK/POSTMEDIA

More parents are raising concerns around why public schools won’t allow HEPA filters in classrooms to reduce COVID spread, just as new data shows a spike in cases among five to 11 year olds.


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Amanda Hu, spokeswoman for Fresh Air Network, an Alberta parent advocacy group fighting for better ventilation, says it’s time schools recognize COVID as an airborne virus and that students in classrooms get the protection of filtration.

“We know this virus is airborne, that infectious particles are coming out of mouths, and out of noses, and are being emitted into the air,” Hu said.

“HEPA filters, very simply, pull in the air with infectious particles through a filter, and emit air that no longer has those infectious particles. Why not provide that extra layer of protection?”

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