Saturday, November 06, 2021

Canada's NDP is trying to get rid of what's being called an "archaic" and "gender-based" dress code in the House of Commons

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According to The Canadian Press, NDP MP Randall Garrison said that his party will ask for the proper attire rules to be updated when Parliament returns on November 22 so they're more inclusive and accommodating to transgender, non-binary and two-spirit MPs.

Garrison noted that a simple statement about what is appropriate in the House of Commons would be good enough without specifically mentioning gender-based outfits.

"The provisions are archaic," he said. "The gender-based dress code needs to be eliminated."

According to the House Of Commons Procedure and Practice guide, all MPs are required to dress in "contemporary business attire" in order to be recognized to speak in the debate, on points of order or during Question Period.

Men have to wear a jacket, shirt and tie as their standard attire but there are no specifics on what women have to wear. Turtlenecks and ascots have actually been deemed "inappropriate" for men to wear.

There are some exceptions to the rules, which allow for kilts to be worn on certain occasions, for military uniforms to be worn by MPs who are in the armed forces and for different tops to be worn for medical reasons, like having an arm cast.

When MPs return to the House of Commons on November 22, Justin Trudeau said his government will be "busy getting into the business of delivering on an ambitious agenda."

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