Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Elon Musk: I Compose Half Of My Tweets On 'A Porcelain Throne'

Phil Hall , Benzinga Staff Writer
November 22, 2021 

From the Department of Too Much Information: Tesla

TSLA -4.14% (Get Free Alerts for TSLA) CEO Elon Musk revealed that nearly half of his tweets are composed while he is answering the call of nature.

What Happened: Musk alerted his 64.4 million Twitter
TWTR -0.4% followers on Monday morning that “At least 50% of my tweets were made on a porcelain throne.”

Musk then added a brief explanation of why he pursued this unlikely multi-tasking route: “It gives me solace.”

If this source of inspiration is accurate, perhaps Musk might need more bran in his diet. His Monday morning tweeting included multiple tweets with the message “MOVE TO G!V|EAWAY. BSTREAM dot NET.”

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Why It Matters: Musk also issued another tweet that told his followers, “I aspire to comedy.”

One person who is not particularly amused by Musk is JPMorgan Chase
JPM +2.35% CEO Jamie Dimon. According to a Wall Street Journal report citing unnamed sources, Dimon and Musk’s chronic ability to establish a friendly relationship created a level of hostility between their companies that culminated last week in a lawsuit filed by the bank that claimed Tesla owes it $162 million from a trade it helped to arrange in 2014.

“We have provided Tesla multiple opportunities to fulfill its contractual obligations, so it is unfortunate that they have forced this issue into litigation,” JPMorgan said last week when announcing the lawsuit.

Musk, however, responded with his trademark flippancy, telling the Journal, “If JPM doesn’t withdraw their lawsuit, I will give them a one star review on Yelp. This is my final warning

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